CuSO4 + 2Na(C7H5O2)2 --> Cu(C7H5O2)2 + Na2SO4

Feb 24, 2009 22:53

Just watched There Will Be Blood D: WHY. WHY?

Today, for reasons I do not know, I kind of forgot about my math assignment. But! luckily they give you one freebie (they count only your best 9/10) so I'm ok as long as I do all the other ones. Which I will because I don't want to fail this class again. And on the other end of the student motivation spectrum, I spent my break between classes actually catching up on my notes instead of just pissing around with people at OOC like usual. Woo!
Speaking of school, my chemistry lab yesterday was pretty fun (synthesis of copper benzoate!) and apparently the guy beside me as pegged me as the smart person at our station table so he kept asking me stuff. And I guess I am pretty ok because we got our marks from the previous lab and I got 34/34.

I have been pretty lazy lately. If it were nice outside again I would feel less lazy but rain sucks. I had to go get some groceries today and man, if there's anything worse than carrying 20 pounds of food for 5 blocks, it's doing so in the rain. Mostly I just want to sew and take photos and play the piano until I am awesome at all of them. I printed out a bunch of music and it looks so nice on the page and then I try to play it and I'm like wtf.

Also I have not seen much of Jeff, the way our schedules have been working. I guess this must be what it's like to be Tams and Maine all of the time :( Tomorrow we will have been together six months - not that I celebrate things like that because I'm not a huge gaywad - it's just nice to think that it's been this long of seeing each other basically all the time and neither of us is sick of the other.

Ray is going to do photographic portraits of me because I'm tired of taking shitty pictures of myself. However I need ideas of how to set this shit up - themes and whatnot. I am pretty bad at this.

school, rain, lub

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