to sum up the past little while:

Oct 27, 2008 22:36

-school is balls still and this semester will surely destroy my GPA (which is already not that amazing). I miss American college where I put forth almost no effort and got a 4.0.

-work is ok except my feet hurt basically always. We had a sale this weekend so I was on the floor helping out Steven who is probably the most awesome salesperson ever. No wonder he managed to sell $8000 worth of clothes on Saturday.

-the geography field trip the weekend before last was pretty excellent, except I started off the trip with a hangover due to staying up til at least 2am Friday night drinking and watching horror movies with Dennis. Had to barf into a bag on the 135 because I just couldn't hold out for the last 10 minutes up the hill D: But because I was one of the last people to show up, instead of having to sit in the crowded bus I got to go in the department van with some cool people including my lab partner David. We drank beer in the back of the van while the TA drove and at one point the prof got in and asked if he could have one. The bar in Cache Creek was full of cockroaches, but it didn't bother me so much. When one crawled on my arm I probably would have been a little more upset if I hadn't been loaded.
Anyway, I made some new friends and saw some cool earth sciencey stuff and got to appreciate small-town, rural, and wild B.C. for once.

-Saturday we went to the Canucks game vs the Oilers and it was pretty epic. We won 6-3, my boy Ohlund got into a fight, Steph and I drank our share of $8.25 beer, and we made the Oilers fans sitting nearby feel shame (or if they didn't, they should have).

-In December I am likely going to be moving out of the House of Awesome and in with Jeff. The month in between gives us some time to think, talk it over with the roommates, etc. Since I'm hardly home anyways it won't be that different except I'll actually pay rent for the place I sleep at all the time, and my kitty will be there with me (read: I can stop feeling guilty about making my roommates take care of him for me). I am worried about him not adjusting well to being without other cats, but we'll see. I think if I can let him outside still he will do ok. At any rate, I am totally not excited about moving all my shit again, but probably if it's not raining we can just borrow my parents' truck.
I will be pretty sad to leave this crapshack, though. Two and a half years in a house of pretty much my best friends. End of an era, you guys.

science, holidays, house, lub

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