(no subject)

Aug 16, 2008 13:21

sooooo I spent last night/this morning barfing and feeling like my insides were full of writhing snakes. I didn't even drink last night with Steph and Tams cause I was like 'nah I already feel like shit and I gotta work at 8'. Called Eric at 7am and was like mrrrr not coming to work. Now I am drinking water and feel kind of better but now if I go out I'll feel guilty. I CAN'T BELIEVE I AM MISSING THE ZOMBIE WALK UGHHHHH.

Yesterday I went to the doctor in the morning and then I had the whole day ahead of me so I went to Wreck Beach on a whim. Bought myself a beach blanket from some hippie and hung out nude reading Douglas Coupland and doing sudoku. It clouded over most of the time I was there but it was still warm, so I went for a swim too. Some relentless Spanish dude named Manuel was hitting on me pretty much nonstop while I was in the water; apparently having me reply truthfully when he asked me my name meant I was fair game for him to say/do anything.
"So, you have a boyfriend?"
"We just split up actually."
"Oh, that's beautiful."
"...for him maybe."
but I don't think he caught my last remark. At one point he was trying to get me to come further out in the water and I told him I was a bad swimmer, and then he tried to put his arms around me and the only thing that stopped me from smashing his face in was pure shock/discomfort. HELLO I don't know how things work in Spain but for me it is not ok to touch a nude person you've only known for five minutes! After that I pretty much took off back to my spot and put my headphones on. He came by again trying to get me to go dancing with him in the evening; insisted on giving me his number. I took it and he went away.

Later I was eyeing a tattooed guy wearing a kilt and an eyepatch and he came over to talk to me. His name is Mike and he lives pretty close to here, actually. He was soft-spoken and kind of awkward despite looking like the poster boy for BME. We exchanged numbers when I left but I dunno, if he calls he better get interesting fast. He was nice enough but our conversation was pretty stinted.

On the stairs up I only stopped once :D basically I am awesome.

beach, mrr, zombies

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