"You missed it. Just a minute ago Valerie was in here petting my butt."

Jan 15, 2008 01:58

I bought a sewing machine today on ebay D:
it was only $65 though including shipping :D
next stop: serger?

yeah in other news I dunno. I had a date tonight with a lady who is funny and smart and pretty and also a mom. Signs I'm getting older, guys. Yesterday I stayed up too late listening to music and looking at photos with all the roommates and also Tremaine and some of us were not wearing pants. Chris did something very horrifying which I will subject you to now (p.s. he is the one who told me to post it so DON'T GO GETTING MAD AT ME CHRIS):

also plz ignore gross bed. I was in the midst of washing my sheets.

Oh on the weekend I bought groceries for the first time since like, October. For reals. It was amazing. Then Tamara and I ate steak and potatoes and salad and mushrooms and we felt like maybe we should have wine and candles because for once we were eating real food.

i love my friends, gayness, lewls

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