Oct 16, 2006 22:34
Wow, I didn't know you could get dumped when you weren't actually dating anyone. A new feat for me!
Cass called me today, asked if I had a minute. So I met her in the AQ at school, and the following conversation happens:
C: Remember before, when I said I was cool with just keeping things casual? I realised that that's not what I want... I know that's what you're into, and that's fine, but it's not me.
J: ...oh.
C: Yeah, and then a little while ago I said I was going to back off, and then I totally didn't, so I guess what I'm trying to say is I don't want to hang out with you anymore.
J: *getting a little teary* What, like, not even as friends?
C: Well, when I tried to back off and then didn't, I think part of that was because we were friends. So... yeah. I just wanted to let you know that now so you didn't think I was a total bitch for just ignoring you.
J: Yeah... okay... I guess I'll see you around.
So there that is. I'm pretty disappointed. I mean, I like her. A lot. But I'm just not ready/willing to go back to being monogamous and making all the sacrifices. Fucking hell.
Bitches be crazy.
I pierced my nipples yesterday. 12G, vertical. They hurt a lot right now, but they look beautiful. Danielle and Tamara and Steph came with me; Tams pierced her septum and Danielle got venoms. Basically we are all awesome.
Other stuff:
-band finally settled on a name; we're sticking with Contraptioneers (note the LACK OF 'the'). Should have a myspace up and running within a couple days.
-got a monitor. It's kinda craptacularly dark, but it'll do for now.
-Tamara got us addicted to The OC. It's basically the worst show ever, but, like Smallville, after you watch two episodes you pretty much have to keep watching forever.
-I have way, way too much work to do. How the fuck do people take four or five courses? I'm taking three and I feel like I'm drowning in reading and essays and presentations and reading journals.