Cleaning out my closet... and by closet I mean boxes

Feb 12, 2006 13:36

This morning I went through my clothes and shoes and filled up two shopping bags with crap that I never wear or doesn't fit me anymore. It was really hard, cause there's always stuff that you're like, "I never wear that... BUT I LOVE IT :C" There was also stuff that made me wonder why I ever bought it in the first place. I know there was stuff I'd worn like, once ever, but was hanging onto it for reasons unknown. Anyway, I'll probably take it to the Salvation Army sometime this week. I'm pretty proud of myself, even though I'll probably buy stuff while I'm there, basically negating the whole thing.

The roommate search isn't going too well. Three people have made actual appointments, with a precise time and everything, to come look at the place, and all three of them just didn't show up. No phone call, nothing. Fucking jerkbags. On the calendar where Tamara had written down their names and the time they were coming, Alice has now written 'cunt rag' and 'bitch faced snatch sucker'. 'Cause seriously, if you're not interested, or something comes up, just fucking say so. Being a no-show is just fucking rude. I think Nicole should just... not leave. :(
Anyway, if anyone in the Vancouver area is looking for a place to live, it's a big attic room for $300/month plus utilities. Our only requirements are that you're not a jerk/creep/meth addict/criminal. We're right on the 135 bus line and close to the freeway, guys, come on! For more details click here.

nostalgia, house

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