"Is your name Megan?" "Nope." "Are you sure?" "..."

Nov 27, 2005 21:39

Friday: bussed to Maple Ridge after work. Called my brother for a ride, but he was still at work, and he didn't have a way home either. So I went up to the high school to see fluffy_malice's play, Swing Kids, (even though I already had tickets for it for Saturday) figuring someone there would be going my way. I went in through the green room door and everyone was like, "ARE YOU ALICE'S SISTER? You look just like her!" "It's Alice with piercings!" "HOLY CRAP YOU GUYS SOUND THE EXACT SAME!" I said hello to Alice and Cyndy and then was booted out of the theatre. Four years of loyal theatre service and I still have to pay to get in. Lame... but I guess if she let in every alumni for free they'd never make any money back. Anyway, while waiting in line I ran into nik0las, Eric Wright, and Hershal, so I sat with them. Hilarious times were had by all. Oh, and the play was good. A tough show for high school kids to do, but the majority of them did a very good job. Alice was a swing dancer (a very good one - she definitely has natural dancing abilities) and looked as if she was having the time of her life. It made me miss acting terribly, and I realised how far removed I am from that school now... I looked at the programme and I only recognised people by going, "Brandon Kinsey - that must be Conor's brother... Mick Nagai... I wonder if he's related to Joel" etc.

Saturday: buggered around on the computer all day until my mom and Jimm and I went out to the Black Sheep for a drink and food before heading to the show (again). I saw a bunch more alumni like brightlyobscure and Dustin, Mike Wallbank, Mike Bygrove, Joel Nagai, Mike Gonzalez (jeez I know a lot of Mikes), Kirste Fritz, Erin Gould... it was kind of weird. And I talked to Cyndy again, and Mr. Moore briefly. It's funny, I've been out of school for like, four years, but I still can't imagine calling him 'Steve'.

Sunday: woke up to snow falling (it had melted by 2pm), and later went to see Goblet of Fire (again) with my mom and Trav and Ken. Still good. Froze my ass off transit-ing home and then burned my feet in the shower because they were so cold.

survey taken from killerfulfiller

1. Initials: JAC
2. Name someone with the same birthday as you: Walt Disney, Christina Rosetti, HAHA LITTLE RICHARD, etc.
3. Where was your last kiss? In the parking lot of Safeway, from my mom. :[
4. For or against same sex marriage? For.
5. Are you homophobic?: Of course not.
6. Are you bisexual?: I guess, technically.
7. Do you believe in God?: Yeah, but I believe in other stuff too.
8. How many US states have you been to?: Thirteen.
9. How many of the US states have you lived in? One.
10. Have you ever lived outside the US?: Uh, yes.
11. Name something you like physically about yourself: My boobiers.
12. Name something non physical you like about yourself: My caring nature. Awwww
13. What is the current rumour traveling around about yourself? That Steph and I are 'life partners'. lolz
14. What is your dream car?: Anything older than 1970.
15. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? Europe, China, Japan, New Zealand, Cuba... if I could go everywhere, I would.
16. Have you ever had someone of the opposite sex over at your house while your parents were gone?:Uh huh.
17. How many concerts have you gone to?: Um, a bunch. Somewhere between 30 and 50, probably.
18. Do you download music?: Sure.
19. How many illegal things have you done?: Pot, underage drinking, shoplifting, driving without a license, buying booze for minors... oh and I can't even count the times I've cheated on my skytrain/bus fare. At least before they put in those electronic bastard counting machines. Wow, I'm such a rebel.
20. Where would you want to go on a first date?: I don't fucking care. If I like the person, it doesn't really matter where we go.
21. Would you date the person who posted this?: Nah, he's a jerkbag. :)
22. Has anyone ever sang or played for you personally?: Yeah. It's kinda weird.
23. Ever been kissed under fireworks?: Maybe, I don't really pay attention to whether or not I'm living in a romantic cliché.
24. Do you like President Bush?: HAHAHAHAHAAH
25. Have you ever bungee jumped? Nope. I'm too afraid of smashing my head on a rock.
26. Have you ever white-water rafted?: Nope. I'm too afraid of smashing my head on a rock.
27. Have you ever crashed a car?: Hell no.
28. Has anyone more than 10 years older than you hit on you?: Probably. I try not to remember scary things like that.
29. Are you interested in anyone right now?: Other than the person I'm engaged to? Nah.
30. What song are you listening to right now?: Björk - Triumph of a Heart
31. What is your current favorite band?: I CANNOT stop listening to Death from Above 1979
32. What was the last movie you watched?: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.
33. Who was the last person that told you they loved you?: My mom.
34. Where was the last place you went besides your house?: The movie theatre in Pitt Meadows.
35. Have you ever seriously vandalized someone else's property?: Maybe, I don't remember. I want to vandalize all those 'Scoop' celebrity gossip ads I see on the bus with 'CARE ABOUT YOUR OWN DAMN LIFE INSTEAD OF THEIRS'.
38. Deleted a question because it was dumb on a survey?: Hahah it's funny cause the two before this were obviously deleted.
39. What's the first thing you notice about the preferred sex? Hair, then mouth.
40. What really turns you on?: Confidence, respect, big black boots, short hair, shoulderblades/collarbones, adnrogny (the sexy kind, not the scary kind), having my neck/ears bitten or sucked, casual kisses that suddenly turn into something more, [censored]...
41. What do you usually order from a coffee shop?: A latté with vanilla or caramel, or just plain coffee.
44. Say something totally random about yourself: I cannot set my alarm for 0:10, 0:20, 0:40, or 0:50, but any other multiple of five is fine.
45. Do you have an i-pod?: I have a shuffle that I haven't used in weeks because I keep forgetting to charge it.
46. When was the last time you stayed up all night?: I don't remember. Steph and I were up until at least four when we went to Harry Potter, and then I got up at like 7.
47. Do you still watch kiddie movies or tv shows?: Yeah, it's what all the cool kids do.
48. Do you have braces?: Nope.
49. Are you comfortable with your height?: Eh, I'm used to it.
51. When do you know it's love?: This question is dumb. It's always different.
52. Do you speak any other languages besides English?: A little French and a little Spanish. I'd love to be fluent in another language.
53. What kind of alcohol do you enjoy while out?: G&T, rum and coke, whiskey sour.
54. What magazines do you read?: Regularly? Just Bitch, Bust, and Nylon.
55. Have you ever ridden in a limo?: Twice. The first time was fun until Karlee vomited everywhere, and the second time was fun except for when some jerks in PoCo threw water balloons through the window.
62. Do you know how to pump gas at a gas station?: Yeah. I've only done it twice ever. :)
63. Do you drive?: No.
64. What's the latest you have ever stayed up?: I think the longest I've stayed up is 36 hours.
65. Have you ever thought you were honestly going to die?: Probably.
66. Were you ever rushed by an ambulance into the emergency room?: Not that I remember. I might have been that one time I fell out of a tree house when I was about four and got a concussion, but I don't know.
67. Have you ever been dared to do something you didn't want to do? Aren't dares supposed to be things you don't want to do? What a retarded question.

Work at 7:30 tomorrow. UGHHHHHHHHHHHH.

school, family, surveys, nostalgia

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