"You can come sit over here... on my COCK!"

Dec 18, 2004 20:48

Well, I suppose it's a good thing that we went back for Sarah's car last night, because Patrick and I didn't end up leaving the guys' apartment til six in the morning.

Sarah and I had planned to hang out, but by the time she got off work it was kind of too late for a movie or a show or anything, and since I wanted to see Joe and Josh and Andy again before I leave, I suggested we go over there. We waited for Patrick to get home from work, and then went to get beer and sake. This was when Sarah decided that she should probably go back for her car since she had work at ten in the morning. Andy helped us carry the massive amounts of booze inside, and all the guys proceeded to do sake bomber after sake bomber (a shot of sake in a small glass of beer downed all at once, for those who don't know).

I felt kind of bad about Sarah; I know I always feel awkward going to places where I don't know many people, but she seemed to like the guys well enough, and only appeared slightly put off by their masturbation stories. I hope she had at least a mediocre time, most hopefully a good one. She headed off around 1:30, and shortly after, Amber and Amy and their extremely hot and, unfortunately, extremely young friend Ellie showed up. The poor girl practically had to fight off the inhebriated men with blunt objects.

Patrick was so drunk that he enthusiastically agreed to smoke pot for the first time, and I was rather intoxicated as well, and figured 'what the hell', and took a hit for the first time in five years (THAT'S RIGHT, I WAS A FOURTEEN-YEAR-OLD POTHEAD). It tasted terrible. Patrick proceeded to argue with Josh for at least five minutes over whether or not he (Patrick) was stoned. I have noticed that only stoned people do this. Later he went into a fifteen-minute rant about the Golden Ratio (that math thing I gave him a book on). It was hilarious because Eric and Joe were totally into it, saying they were going to go buy the book in the morning, but I knew they wouldn't have given a crap about it in five hours.

I remember having an excellent conversation with Joe and Amy and Amber, but I can't for the life of me recall what we talked about, only that Joe drew a huge picture of Jesus on my leg while we were talking. Around four, when Amber decided that since she had to work in three hours she might as well just stay up and get drunk, I got really tired and headachy and wanted to lie down. Joe was even gracious enough to put on pants so that I could share his bed, and he only attempted to drunkenly get me to make out with him once! Patrick came in and woke me up at quarter to six saying he wanted to go home, and I whined like a baby and told him I was tired and he should sleep on the couch, but Joe settled the matter by basically saying "Get the hell out of my bed and let me sleep." Oh man. SO. TIRED.

All this morning (well, afternoon, I suppose, when we got up) I had that weird feeling you get in your stomach after you throw up, except I didn't throw up at all. Patrick was quite hungover and it was funny when we went to a family thing of his and everyone purposely offered him beer.

After that Patrick and I went to see A Series of Unfortunate Events, which was a good movie with a good score, but I think if you haven't read ALL the books, some of it would be pretty confusing. Without the narration of the books, you really lose a lot. Even though there was a voice-over narrator (JUDE LAW!), it really wasn't enough. Anyway, I'd still recommend seeing it.

Oh God, I haven't even started packing. And I forgot to get quarters to do the laundry. I'm so organized about everything except my actual life.

drugs, drunkenness

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