I wish I had a barbeque... or just some food that was barbequed.

Apr 01, 2004 18:43

I went out at 5:30 for a walk. I went up the road to Gamers, just because I could. I saw lots of games that I want to play (ie. Morrowind, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles...) and was giddy over seeing Kirby's Adventure for $9.95 on NES - that's one of my favourite games EVER. I suppose I'll buy it when I get some money. And when our Nintendo gets fixed.

It was nice outside. I wore a t-shirt and jeans and SANDALS. That's right. On the way home I smelled barbeque. It made me want some of whatever they were cooking. And someone was mowing their lawn and the smell of the grass made me think of being like, eight and walking through the piles of grass with my brother in the yard after my dad mowed the lawn at my old house on 238th Street, making our feet all green. It's kind of weird how smells trigger memories so strongly.

I walked home down 69th Street and Vanessa leaned out her door and yelled at me, so I went in and we talked for a bit and watched some Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Then I came home before the sun set and it got too cold for me to walk home in my t-shirt.

Today has been a good day. It was warm and sunny but not muggy like in the summer (and there are no locusts... *shudder*). AND I had pizza, got some homework done, had sex, went outside, didn't have to go to school, and best of all, uh... um... okay I dunno. Time for cookies. I mean juice. I don't have any cookies. :(

Oh, P.S. Mom, I got the stuff you sent, but I still need you to pick me up a T1 at the post office. Damn taxes.


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