Stolen oh-so-stealthily from godfrei

Feb 07, 2004 19:21

I tend to get a lot of nostalgia with this sort of thing, so pardon me if I write an essay on each question.

1. Nickname in high school?
Red, Pirate Jen, Ms. Gibeault, Pia's friend, Pyro (based on a character I played, really)

2. Sport you were into?
Uh... none? I was on the volleyball team in grade eight but got kicked off before I even played a game, just because I missed one practice.

3. Had a circle of friends?
Not one for the entire of high school... grade eleven and twelve was me, Sarah, Pia, Liz, Tracy, and Lucie. Those are the friends I have the best memories with.

4. Best subject?
Writing, English/lit, acting/stagecraft.

5. Worst subject?
PE and Biology. I liked bio but I was horrible at it. Consequently, I aced chem and hated it.

6. A teacher you owe life lessons to?
Steve Moore
Cyndy Lacroix
Ramona Elke
Don Stephen

7. A teacher you wanna kick in the ass?
Mr. Hagen. STOP BEING SO ANNOYING! Make notes that are more than one name and a date for forty minutes of talking. Don't get coffee and gum stuck in your beard. Mr. Fair should learn to teach. And Mrs. Ferguson should either start wearing pants, or stop sitting on desks.

7 1/2. Grade 8:
Was a total loser. Tiffany and I sat in an alcove by the theatre every lunchtime avoiding people. I got called a slut for wearing halter tops, or cutoff shorts, or not wearing a bra (come on. I didn't even need one at that point). I was the furthest from a slut that I could be - I didn't even know what a hickey was, much less what it meant when someone asked me whether I worked on Hastings or Main. As a side note, only two of probably twenty people who insulted/made fun of me ever apologized later on.

Got my Cons, a pair of pants, shorts, and two t-shirts stolen from my gym locker. Who would steal gym clothes?

Made friends with Heather Purton in the latter half of the year, adopted a lot of black eyeliner, and spent most weekends at her house stealing her brother-in-law's pot pipe.

8. Grade 9:
The only time I got grades lower than a B - Heather, Sarah and I often skipped sewing class because we couldn't stand the people in that class making fun of us and having the teacher do nothing. And my English class, taught by Mr. Fair who was a cool guy, but didn't know how to teach. We spent 75% of each class just sitting and reading a book.

Made friends with Pia, Liz, Steph, Mel, Lauren, and others. Abandoned the clothes I liked in favour of trendier, less noticeable things in hopes that people would leave me alone. It worked, generally.

Did my first play(s) in front of an audience - I played a bookie, a swing dancer, and a policeman. During the dress rehearsal I couldn't find the shirt I was supposed to put on, and had already taken my other one off because the scene change was really fast. I ran frantically around the green room in my bra searching for it, asking Brandon Haddrell to move off the couch so I could see if he was sitting on it. Later I heard he was telling everyone that I came up to him in my bra and started feeling his boxers, telling him it was nice material. People are retarded.

First real party - Lauren's brother's grad party. She, Tanya Pitcairn and I got very drunk (and in trouble later on). It was good times.

9. Grade 10:
Abandoned the preppy clothes after a couple of months, realizing most people, including myself, didn't care anymore.

Liz came back from Wales just in time for her birthday and the start of a new semester. On her birthday we spent the night at Mel's house in the barn with a few others, got drunk, and let Melanie pierce my belly button. It fell out an hour later and we couldn't get it back in. I'm kind of glad though - I hate navel piercings now.

In April, the advanced science/social studies classes went on a four-day trip to Vancouver Island. We went to Port Alberni, Tofino, Long Beach, and Uclulet. The most fun on the trip was had during 'free time', which I used to do such things as dye Robbie Jones' hair with blue food colouring, watch Nicole Carlson squirt water out her eye, and run around flashing people with Angela Mussalem and Lauren. The worst part was the toilet in our room got clogged, and two out of four people staying in the room had their periods. We ended up climbing over the balcony to use the girls' bathroom next door so it wouldn't be too disgusting by the time someone came to fix it.

Pia dated Jan. Hilarity ensued. Spent time with Heather Scotland and we were all obsessed with Kittie and other crappy metal bands. Played dress-up with Pia's old clothes and went and stood by the elementary school near her house, waving at passing cars with our fake mustaches, party hats, cat ears, and various articles of bright clothing.

Spanish class was an adventure. An adventure that involved dirty words being translated, making fun of Mrs. Ferguson, throwing pinatas out the window, and laughing uncontrollably. Another adventure was the mini-fest play I was in where I played a paranoid Nazi mafia member. Almost everyone else in the cast was too cool to talk to me (with the exception of Liz, Kara, Tierney, and Tess the director).

10. Grade 11:
Started Stagecraft in the company of Tracy, Angelina, and others. Developed a gigantic crush on Paul Marks, the lights boy. The stagecraft teacher was out of town for three weeks and replaced by Randy Dicken, a substitute whose horrid name was made up for by being the coolest and sexiest teacher ever. Crewed for One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and when that ended, acted in Juvie. Made it on tv at one point.

Pia and I (and eventually the rest of our group of friends) started hanging around with Adam Peters, Andrew Falhman, Jordan Uittenbogaard et al. Looking back, I don't know what we were thinking. Oh well, at least Andrew provided a source of entertainment. Pia dated him. Even more hilarity ensued than when she dated Jan. "Did they sit beside each other?"

11. Grade 12:
Got a lead in the fall production (A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum). Sang the toughest song in the show. Had many good times, including laughing backstage with Lauren, our faces buried in a gym mat, while Mel screwed up onstage. Not to mention the limo ride after closing night where Karlee vomited all over everything, Sam getting most of it on his shirt. I lent him mine and he looked like an emo boy in a too-tight t-shirt.
Played a smaller, but just as enjoyable role in the spring play (The Impostors). I got to wear a pretty dress. Had more fun times.

I started taking Chem 12, but dropped it after crying over my homework within the first two weeks and picked up Writing instead. It was my favourite class ever.

Spent a good two months of the second semester depressed and skipping school a little more often than I should have with Liz and her car but still managed to direct a decent play (it would have been great if the kids could have been bothered to learn their lines, or stop fucking SMILING when they're supposed to be angry). I wouldn't do it again though - directing that is. The amount of stress was unbelievable.

Remained friends with Iain after we broke up in December, though there were some episodes which I will fondly refer to as "The Trials of Poison Boy".

Laughed at everyone else spending much time and dollars on their grad preparations, while I wore a dress I happened to find a year ago for only $150, painted my own nails, did my own makeup and hair, wore old shoes, and used my camera case for a purse.

Won $1500 in bursaries. Kind of crappy to think that that barely paid an entire semester of school here.

12. Your best friend was?
Varied, but Pia and Liz for the most part.

13. Your worst friend was?
I don't know. Tiffany I suppose... she was a nice girl and we had good times, but she never stuck up for me when I needed it, and basically abandoned me for whoever was cooler. And Jen Geddes wasn't very good either. A nice enough girl, but she was just stupid. Every time she invited me over she'd ask if I wanted to do cocaine, Ritalin, whatever she had. I always said no.

14. Cafeteria food sucked?
Nah, it was decent. Some of it was really greasy, but I was a big fan of the soup, quesedillas, and perogies.

15. Most hilarious school rule?
Shirts weren't supposed to have swearing, alcohol or drug paraphrenalia, or nudity. 90% of the male population of the school wore these things on a regular basis and no one gave a rat's ass.

16. Wore uniforms?
No. There was talk of it but no.

17. How was the prom?
Eh, it was as decent as to be expected, until Iain and I got all pissed at each other and he left.

18. Who was prom king and queen?
I'm not American.

19. Any achievements?
Honor roll every year. Service award. A couple of bursaries. Woo.

20. Were you popular?
Not particularly, but I wasn't hated... usually.

21. Best song that reminds you of high school?
Marvin Gaye - Heard it Through the Grapevine

22. Picture of you from high school:

Tenth Grade. Tofino. Advanced socials/science trip.

surveys, nostalgia

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