Jul 23, 2006 09:32
"don't mistake my happiness as uncaring
i'm happy just enjoying what time we have left
life is too short to be unhappy all of the time
but don't mistake my tears for joy
joy only comes with company
and the best company comes from you."
Life throws you curves,
believe me... I know.
If all of you lived my life as it stands now...
you wouldn't be bitching about the small things.
just think about it. think before you speak.
i don't want to hear, "my life sucks" out of your
mouth just because you didn't get what you wanted
for your birthday, or so and so doesn't like you,
or my dad won't give me money, or pay for my stuff...
because to be honest - i could care less. call me
shallow, call me a bitch, but thats just how it is.
today is the first day i've watched the ms. america
pageant since my father died 12 years ago on this date;
with the pageant playing in the background.
with my mother laying ill in the bed, i was reminded of that
night. i couldn't help but stare at her to make sure she
was still breathing as she slept.
she's not doing well. she's throwing up, her body hurts, it's hard for her to breath, etc. you name it, she's going through it right now. the medications aren't working. she's in terrible pain and there is nothing to do but try to stay strong for her. i wish we had just one more day... one more day of her feeling good, but we never will.
if only we got everything accomplished before it got this bad... but she wasn't up to it. now it's manditory, it has to be done.
no, i'm not doing ok. i put on this happy face to forget that my life is falling apart.