a tv-show rocks my world

Feb 02, 2010 18:56



I can't imagine my world without SPN, because as crazy as it sounds: Supernatural has become a part of my life. Whenever I come home after school the first thing I do (after eating)? Tossing all my school stuff in the corner, parking myself in front of my laptop, visiting livejournal and tata... lots of new comments and information about the greatest show on earth are smiling at me.

Even my mom and my dad have become some little fans themselves, because my twin sis and I have been babbling about Supernatural since 2007. Of course there are other things we talk about, but hardly a days goes by without mentioning the holy tax accountant or J² at the dinner table. Yes, my dad even talks about SPN with his hairdresser. (As far as I know she has been watching SPN since the beginning) Isn't that cool?  He even got his buddy into it! YES! More fans. :)

When I want to watch the latest episode with my sis after school (Stupid time difference. Why does something like that even exist. Why? WHY? *sigh*) come what may - we watch it. That sounds hard, right? Yeah, well buuut we need to get our Supernatural fix and then the world can continue spinning again. If I was in a bad mood before watching Supernatural, well I'm in a good mood after it. Yeah, this TV show can do something like that.

As we know, Supernatural has not the biggest fan base. When you visit the websites from series like NCIS or Grey's Anatomy you see that they have millions of viewers, who are sitting in front of the boob tube watching a police procedural or following everything that can happen in a hospital each week. These shows have amazing ratings, loyalty viewers. But you know what they don't really have? They don't have fans, who can crash twitter and bring their favorite series to the top of the trending topics. They don't have a creator, who actually writes his fans into some episodes to thank all the people, who are following his tv-show every single week, in his own kind of way. (Yepp, I think he wanted to thank us with bringing us into the show. ;D). They don't give variety like Supernatural does, because seriously, Supernatural has it all: drama, angst, tragedy, action, romance and even comedy. It's like a bag of various candy. There is something for everyone. So we actually should consider ourselves satisfied and stop bitching about "What the hell was that? Oh noes!", because yupp, there are always things in life we don't really like or don't agree with, but seriously, we should enjoy the rest of the show and stop bothering our heads about the 'what if this wouldn't have happened... what if it would have been like that'. Lay back and grab a bag of yummy popcorn. And as a precaution a bowl... or a bucket, because the eye candy on screen can cause non stop drooling. No kidding.

We, the fans, can actually bring actors back into the show or let actors stay in the show! Like Misha for example. At the beginning Castiel actually just should have been in two or three episodes, but look, he's still alive and kicking.  I may be wrong, but I've never heard that any other fans have ever brought a character back.

The best thing: Supernatural won the People's Choice Awards 2009. EEEE!!!! There, you got it. The proof: sSupernatural is the best show on earth. I so hope it will finally get the attention it deserves and will get more viewers! They don't know what they all miss! Thanks to all American fans, who where as busy as a bee and voted for the show! We made it, because we are stubburn little fans and don't give up. *yay* We may be a small fan base but therefore we are the strongest one! Kripkeeeee, we deserve a Season 6! :D

And you know what else they don't have? HA! They don't have such amazing actors, who can make your eyes glue to the screen for 42 minutes (and who are looking hot as hell by pure chance.) Really, Supernatural has the best actors and not forgetting, that the guest stars are not half bad.  I got the chance to meet Jensen, Jared and Misha and probably you heard that a dozen times already, but they are the cutest, nicest and most down-to-earth actors ever. (And god, are they hot! Hui. ) All of them do a great job to bring their characters to live. Can I say that I take my hat off to Jensen? In my opinion he is one of the best actors ever. He can act waaays better than some Hollywood dudes out there. Anyway, I'm also squeeing like a fangirl whenever I hear something about Jensen and Jared doing something together outside of the set. I'm happy that Jensen and Jared get along very well and have become good if not... best friends. :D (Look, what awesome things Supernatural can do!:))

Also, they don't have conventions. Their fans don't have the chance to meet their favorite actors live and in the flesh. But we do. And all guys, who went or will go to a Con should be ... uh kind of grateful, because our cuties don't have to attend to a Con, but they do. That's why I don't understand it why some people are crossing the line and start babbling about crappy things at almost every convention and put the guys into an uncomfortable position. o.O I mean c'mon if you have the chance to talk to the hottest and nicest guys on earth, why do some people waste that with asking awkward questions? I don't get it. *shakes head* Oh, sorry to ramble on...

Oh, I almost forgot. Have you ever visited fanfiction.net and looked which fandom haswritten the most fanfictions? No? You have three guesses! Supernatural is the number one with 32,357 fanfictions! That's because... the show is the best one. :)

Moreover, I  owe Kripke, the boys, the whole crew a big thank you, because I have made some wunderful friends, who I wouldn't have met without Supernatural. I ♥ you, girls! I wouldn't trade you for anything in the world and I'm so happy that we've met!
I would love to watch more than the remaining 10 episodes. I don't want Supernatural to end. Not yet. Just one more season and then I will accept that every great thing has it's ending. But uh... I'm not ready yet. Noooo. I mean at whom shall I stare at and about whom shall I talk about when Jensen and Jared aka sexy Winchester boys and Misha aka fluffy angel are not hopping over the screen anymore? T.T

We - all Supernatural fans - need to spread the word and get as many folks watching! I'm sure some of you don't want the show to end this year either, so: TELL YOUR FRIENDS TO TELL THEIR FRIENDS and we may get a Season 6. ♥

Actually I didn't want to write that much. Oi. Sorry. If someone is still reading this: thank you for reading and sorry for all mistakes. (;

tv: supernatural

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