So I've been having an
interesting conversation on
robinmckinley's LJ about books that shape us in our early reading years--not just books you enjoyed when you were a pre-teen, but books that genuinely changed or helped form how you write (if you're a writer) or how you think or view the world at large. Her own talking about the books that shaped her writing--
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Reading _A Wrinkle in Time_ further cemented in my 10-year-old head that science fiction could be really cool. (Watching "City on the Edge of Forever" as a 7-year-old started that whole love of SF.)
As an 11-year-old I enjoyed _The Grey King_ by Susan Cooper so much that I lovingly memorized the long rhyme in it (and I can still recite it even today--though not the two last lines that are in Welsh :-)). It was this book that led me to expand my fascination with SF to include fantasy, and it was after reading this book that I started dabbling in writing my own fantasy stories. (As a side note, _The Grey King_ is book #4 in the Dark Is Rising series and the reason our school library had it but not the others was because it had won a Newbery. It was many years later before I had the opportunity to read the other books in the series.)
Fascinating to think about these books and how they affected my life... I wonder what books my kids will look back on as having affected them? Harry Potter will likely be in there somewhere.
I read the Dark is Rising first, so it had the most impact on me. I waited very impatiently for my 13th birthday, as I had really hoped that I was an old one. *laughs* I liked the others, but that one had the most impact on me. I used to have all the poems in the serious memorized, as I had done a report on them when I was but a wee bairn.
The longer version has to do with what I like in a book--I favor heroes who are ordinary people who do amazing things, rather than books where the hero discovers that they were predestined for greatness. Simon, Jane, and Barney are three more or less ordinary kids (despite their association with Great Uncle Merry) who get swept up in this amazing scary-ass plot to find the grail before the bad guys do, and they triumph by being smart and resourceful. Will, on the other hand, is like the Chosen One, and while I didn't mind him in the first book, by book 5 I was fed up with him--and what happens to Barney Simon and Jane? Nothing! They show up in Greenwich and do some stuff, and Jane gets all weird (my memory here is vague) and Will bosses them around. Suckity suck.
I will say that for me too this series got me interested in Welsh. I still haven't managed to take a class (although one of my lifelong dreams is to live in Wales for awhile and study Welsh), but I remain hopeful.
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