Welcome to the next stage.

Dec 16, 2004 14:29

Tuesday's presentation went very well, even if I only really worked on it on Monday. Goes to show how much of a minimalist I still am, but hey, as long as it works out in the end, why should I care?

Apart from the Latin lesson I still have this evening I've got my holidays now... GLEE!
Could go over to Dorian again (By the way I'm trying to get over this Star business. Otherwise it might drive me crazy, given that it's Christmas and there are stars everywhere.) to spend time there, but I won't right now. I'm going over after Latin today to get some of my stuff so I can dress up for the weekend, but little more. I've other things to do, like going to the cinema tomorrow. Well, guess what. It's another Lord of the Rings triple-feature, which will start at 14:45 and end about midnight. That brings up memories (oh my, how carefree I was last year... but in retrospect, the roots were already planted at that time)... Well anyway, Saturday is also going to be fun, because I'll be going to Rosenheim with Norbert and perhaps Kati this time. There's a medieval party in the Blackout, and we wouldn't miss this. As I heard, Dorian and Patrick are going to the KittyCat again, but well, there'll be other people I know at the Blackout. (Gruft-Tom, Ida, Djinn)
What I do after that is still to be decided, but I think it's going to involve playing Final Fantasy VIII over at Dorian's sometime next week... where I can prove to myself all that I've found out and decided during the last two weeks.
I'm close to getting completely over this dependence thing, which will do me good because the last thing I need now is a depression.

I don't know if I like the way I'm beginning to think about other people again... In a way I've reverted back to my old ways a little, but only in matters of arrogance and disdain.
Sometimes at night I disdain everybody for their particular failings... Myself of course, for inexperience and naivete and for the fact that I behave like Razor did in certain aspects, Dorian for cowardice (especially when he's being told things about himself he doesn't like to hear because they are too close to the truth), Alex for her wimpy weakness and her "the-world-has-to-revolve-around-me"-complex, my family for their narrow minds, and so on. You get the point. I'll have to see that this won't take over, because I actually don't want to become that arrogant again.

For a certain reason I don't want to think about what happens in about two weeks. It doesn't concern me but it certainly will affect me in a way, and I think until then I need to get over everything and be independent again, for this matter is Dorian's problem alone.

(Edit: Oh, the fucking irony. Did I also suspect that in about two weeks I'd be alone again? Doesn't concern me at all, yeah right.)

anger, dorian, azurite, changes, uni, friends, musings

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