Fanfic- The Care and Keeping of Mike (1/20)

Jan 01, 2012 23:18

Title- The Care and Keeping of Mike (1/20)
Fandom- Suits
Ship- Harvey/Mike
Rating- PG-13
Genre- slash, first-time, romance, fluff, domestic, puppy play
Warnings- animal roleplay (puppy play), non-sexual
Wordcount- 800
Disclaimer- I do not own Suits
Summary- Harvey learns how to take care of Buddy, and in the process realizes how much he cares for Mike.
A/N- part of the Buddy 'Verse. Direct sequel to The Puppy Game.
Written for a prompt here at suitsmeme- Mike finds he likes being called a puppy. Harvey finds it easier to show Mike his true feelings when he thinks of Mike as a puppy. They enter into consensual puppy play in the privacy of Harvey's place. (Harvey wouldn't be caught dead leaving his puppy in that flea-bag dive lol) Lots of pampering and fussing. Mike naked except tidy whities and a collar sitting on the floor as Harvey still won't let puppys on his expensive sofa. Just want to see Harvey pampering and fussing when he knows its safe and no one will find out.

*** Prequel ***

Harvey paced back and forth through his living room, mentally going over the list he’d obtained from the helpful clerk at the pet store for what must have been the thousandth time- food and water bowls, leash, brush, chew toy, food, and treats. All the essentials for a new dog owner, all of which he had obtained and placed in strategic points throughout the condo. He had puppy-proofed the whole place, removing everything fragile or chewable from the floor and any low tables, ensuring that there were no wires exposed around the sides of the television, checking that the trash cans were all either tightly sealed or placed out of reach. And he’d made absolutely certain to close the doors of both his closet and his bedroom- he’d seen what Buddy did to leather shoes.

Harvey had done everything a new dog owner should do before bringing their pet home, and yet he couldn’t shake a vague sense of unease. Both he and Mike had agreed that having Buddy come over to Harvey’s place would be better than Harvey coming to Mike’s shady neighborhood to play with the pup in the cramped, run-down apartment. All the same, he still didn’t feel comfortable with it somehow.

Perhaps, Harvey acknowledged, it wasn’t having Buddy in his home that bothered him, but the entire matter of Buddy. As much as he’d insisted to Mike that he had no issues with what they were doing, it still bothered him a little. Puppy play. A grown man on his hands and knees, barking and sniffing at things, eating off the floor and chewing shoes as if he actually believed he was a dog. Being expected to care for that grown man, and to treat him like an animal while he pretended to be one. It was a new level of strange for him, and Harvey had seen a lot of things throughout his career.

He checked his watch yet again. In less than ten minutes, Harvey’s associate would be arriving at his home. He would let Mike in, fasten the blue nylon collar around his neck, and watch Mike sink to his hands and knees on the floor, firmly stuck in the role of “Buddy.” And then Harvey would have to take care of him, have to feed him, pet him, and give him the affection he was so obviously starved for.

Giving affection was not one of Harvey’s skills. He had never managed to keep so much as a house plant alive and well. Being responsible for the physical or emotional wellbeing of another living thing had never turned out well for Harvey. He could be responsible, of course- for cases, deadlines, and other things that didn’t require any emotional input on his part. But responsible for a dog? Harvey would never have chosen to get a dog on his own. And the fact that this dog was also his associate only made it worse.

And that, perhaps, was the heart of the matter, the source of his discomfort. Harvey didn’t want to have to take care of Mike. He didn’t think he could do it well enough. He wanted his associate happy and healthy, in a good condition to be able to work, but he didn’t want to be personally responsible for keeping him that way.

However, it seemed he didn’t have a choice in the matter. Mike had made it clear that this was what he needed if he was going to be able to function with all the pressure he was under, and he had also made it clear that there was no one he felt comfortable relying on to take care of him. His grandmother was too old. Trevor was in Montana, and in Harvey’s opinion not trustworthy in the first place. No one besides them knew about it, and it would have been dangerous to tell someone, but Mike couldn’t do it alone. He had knocked a pizza box from the counter and chewed on leather shoes when he’d attempted to play by himself. If he’d kept at it, there was no doubt in Harvey’s mind that he would have injured himself somehow- chewed a wire, cut himself, eaten something poisonous. Whether Mike would have wanted Harvey to know about this or not, the choice had been taken out of his hands. And now that Harvey knew, he had no other option but to act. Mike needed this, and there was no one he could go to for it besides Harvey. Harvey couldn’t risk his associate having an emotional break down and he certainly didn’t want to fire him, so he would have to do this, no matter how uncomfortable he felt with it.

The sound of the intercom buzzing brought Harvey abruptly from his thoughts. He pressed the button and assured the guard at the front desk that he was indeed expecting one Mike Ross. Then he took a deep breath to calm himself and went to the door to wait, knowing it wouldn’t be long before Mike reached his unit.

*** Prequel ***

genre:domestic, warning:unbetaed, genre:romance, genre:fluff, item:fanfiction, genre:slash, ship:harvey/mike, rating:pg-13, fandom:suits, theme:petplay

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