Miscellaneous Fanfiction

Oct 16, 2005 03:34

If I only have one or two fics for a fandom, they go here. If  have three or more, they get their own masterpost.

Big Wolf on Campus

Rating- PG
Genre- pre-slash, fluff
Wordcount- 780
Summary- If anyone were to look in Tommy’s biology notebook, or any notebook, really, they’d probably think he’d been hit on the head too many times during football practice.


Pet Therapy Rating- PG
Genre- gen, fluff, friendship, petplay
Warning- animal roleplay, non-kinky
Summary- Sweets talks Booth into trying a new form of trust therapy.
A/N- mentions of events from 3x03 and minor spoilers for 4x04.

Defense Devil

Dreaming of the DemonShip- Kukabara/Tom
Rating- NC-17
Genre- slash, smut, PWP
Warnings-  explicit m/m sex, language
Wordcount- 1,055
Summary-   Even though the doctors assured Tom that what he thought happened after the accident was just a hallucination, he's still having weird dreams about the demon defense lawyer who saved him.
A/N- I read the first chapter and had to do this. Even though Tom will probably never show up again. *cries*

item:masterpost, fandom:bones, fandom:defense devil, item:fanfiction, fandom:big wolf on campus

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