Fanfic: Only Work for the Best

Aug 20, 2011 01:01

Title- Only Work for the Best
Fandom- Suits
Ship- Harvey/Mike
Rating- PG-13
Genre- preslash, fluff
Warnings- unbetaed
Wordcount- 1000
Disclaimer- I do not own Suits
Summary- Tanner approaches Mike with a proposition, and gets physical when Mike turns him down. Harvey gets jealous over Mike.
A/N- written for a prompt here at suitsmeme: So when Tanner put his hands on Mike and tucked that marker in his jacket, Mike had such an adorable deer-in-headlights look on his face.  So I want possessive!Harvey being possessive and all DON'T FUCKING TOUCH MY ASSOCIATE. I want uncomfortable!Mike dealing with clearly unwanted touch, and Harvey being all smooth and dangerous and intervening.

Mike was in a good mood as he unlocked the chain around his bike to go home for the night. He was celebrating the victory against Tanner by starting home before dark, a rare treat for a rookie associate. He thought he might also celebrate by eating out at a restaurant, since he was actually leaving work before they all closed. Mike was just about to put on his helmet when a familiar figure caught his eye. Tanner was walking towards him, his eyes clearly trained on Mike rather than the doors of the office next to him.

Mike felt a twinge of uncertainty, but against his better judgment he lowered the helmet from his head and waited for Tanner to approach him. “Mike,” Tanner addressed him. Mike nodded in greeting, not wanting to encourage the conversation. “You’re Harvey’s associate, right? You work specifically for him?”

“Yeah,” Mike admitted warily, wondering where Tanner was going with this.

“You’re good,” Tanner said. “I heard about how you brought in Tom Keller, and on your first pro bono case you found fifteen paying clients.”

Mike mumbled a noncommittal acknowledgment, torn between avoiding eye contact with Tanner out of discomfort and feeling like a coward for looking away. He had a feeling he knew where this was going, and he didn’t like it. Mike took a half step backwards, walking into his bicycle and knocking it back against the bike rack. He glanced back at it, then up at Tanner, who took a step closer into Mike’s personal space.

“Come to Boston and work for me,” Tanner said. “I can promise you better pay, better hours.” Mike glanced away and back, his fingers reaching behind him to wrap around the metal of his bike defensively. Alarm bells were going off in his mind as Tanner took another step closer. He wished he’d climbed on his bike and rode off the moment he saw Tanner coming towards him.

“And better treatment,” Tanner added, which surprised Mike enough that he looked up at the other man. “Don’t think I haven’t seen the way Harvey bosses you around. He makes you run legal errands; does he make you fetch his coffee, too? A man who prides himself on not caring and not showing emotion can’t be the best person to work under.”

“I… He…,” Mike mumbled, instinctively trying to deny it but getting tongue tied in his nervousness. Maybe Harvey wasn’t the easiest person to work with, but there was no one in the world Mike would rather have as his boss. Harvey challenged Mike, made him a better lawyer, and helped him figure out the type of person he wanted to be. And as much as Harvey did pride himself on not caring, Mike knew he did. About the clients, and about Mike. It was Tanner who truly didn’t care about anyone but himself. Mike would never leave Harvey for Tanner.

“Come work for me,” Tanner said, laying a hand on Mike’s arm. He flinched but couldn’t move away- he was cornered between the bicycle and Tanner’s body, with nowhere to go. “Come work for me, and I’ll treat you better than Harvey does.”

Mike swallowed and tried to glare at Tanner, though he knew his fear must be showing. He brushed Tanner’s hand off. “No thanks,” Mike said with more confidence than he felt. “Why would I want to work for someone who clearly isn’t the best?”

Tanner’s expression turned from earnest to angry. His hand came up again and clamped down on Mike’s arm, no longer a light touch that could be brushed off, but a harsh grip keeping Mike rooted in place even as he tried to pull away.

“Let go,” Mike said with forced evenness, trying to pretend he was calmer than he was. Instead Tanner raised his other hand to Mike’s free arm and gripped his bicep, effectively pinning his arms to his sides and preventing him from striking out.

Tanner leaned in, putting his face a fraction of an inch from Mike’s. “Listen to me, you little brat,” he said icily, but before he could finish the sentence he was interrupted by a hand on his shoulder, yanking him back and away from Mike. Mike stumbled as Tanner dragged him forward half a step before releasing him, and another hand on his shoulder steadied him.

“Excuse me, what do you think you’re doing talking to my associate?” Harvey asked. His tone was light but his eyes were hard, almost murderous. His hand on Mike’s shoulder held him gently but firmly in place, and Harvey positioned himself between Tanner and Mike. “Do you know that you could be charged with harassment for this, maybe even assault? And even if there aren’t criminal charges filed, you’d better believe I’ll file a civil suit if you don’t leave now. After the day you’ve had, do you really want to go up against me again?”

Tanner glared at Harvey, grinding his teeth like he wanted to say something. Then with one final leer at Mike that made a shiver run down his spine, Tanner turned and stalked away. Mike let out a shaky breath of relief, though Harvey’s grip on his shoulder didn’t relax until Tanner was out of sight. “Thanks for that,” Mike said, looking up at Harvey.

“You looked like you needed it,” Harvey replied casually. His hand slipped from Mike’s shoulder slowly, almost reluctantly, and he turned away and started back towards the office building.

“So it’s not because you’re jealous?” Mike called after him. Harvey stopped, and Mike could clearly imagine the grin on his face, even though he couldn’t see it.

“Jealous?” Harvey asked without turning back. “What do I have to be jealous for? Didn’t you just tell him you’ll only work for the best?”

Harvey kept walking, and Mike grinned after him. He knew that Harvey was jealous, and Harvey knew that he did. He also knew that Harvey had made the statement intentionally ambiguous, as to whether he might be jealous over the title of best in court, or best in Mike’s regard. And he knew that Harvey wouldn’t have phrased it vaguely if he was only talking about court. Harvey did care, and he was always sure to let Mike know in subtle ways like this. There was no way Mike would ever want to work for anyone else.

ship:harvey/mike, genre:preslash, warning:unbetaed, rating:pg-13, fandom:suits, genre:fluff, item:fanfiction

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