Starting Things off with a Bang (Figuratively)

Feb 19, 2010 23:24


My name's Jackie, and this is my journal!
As it says in my user profile, I'm gonna be using this journal for my slash work. There's a link in the sidebar and on my profile to my regular journal with other things on it, but I'll probably be updating this one more often.

So, to get things started, I have two pieces of original fic and one fanfic:

Original fics:

Title- How
Rating- PG-13
Genre- slash, romance, angst, drama
Warnings- angst, attempted suicide, UNBETAED CONTENT
Summary- a boy looks back on the past few days, and the suicide attempt of a boy in his class.
A/N- I wrote this about a year ago, my first finished slash piece, and it's pretty sad, but the ending is happy, I promise!


Title- Cat Person-Dog Person
Rating- PG-13
Genre- slash, romance, angst, drama
Warnings- angst, adult in a relationship with a teenager, UNBETAED CONTENT
Summary-  Scott is seen as the bad kid of the school, but he's never actually done anything to deserve it. There's one teacher in the whole school who sees past his reputation, Jack Carter, and Scott has fallen completely in love with him. But there's one problem: Scott is a cat person, and Jack is a dog person! If they aren't compatable, can they ever be together?
A/N- my first ever long slash piece!

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six


Title- Hiccups
Fandom- Star Trek XI
Ship- Kirk/Spock
Rating- PG
Genre- slash, comedy
Disclaimer- not mine!
Summary-  Spock has the hiccups.
A/N- my first ever fanfic! Written today because I've been getting the hiccups every hour or so for the past two days and can't make them stay gone.


Thanks Everyone!


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