Fanfic: Better Than Sex

Aug 05, 2011 03:43

Title- Better Than Sex
Fandom- Suits
Ship- Harvey/Mike
Rating- PG-13
Genre- established relationship, domestic, fluff
Warnings- unbetaed
Wordcount- 1800
Disclaimer- I do not own Suits
Summary- It's been a long week, and they're both too tired for sex.
A/N- written for a prompt here at suitsmeme: Maybe this sounds a little weird, but I have a huge kink for things like one person helping give another person a bath or a shave. Maybe one of the boys is injured or just tired or what have you, so the other helps strip him down and washes his hair for him and etc. I don't really have a preference for who is bathing who, so surprise me! :D

It had been a rough day, the latest in a week of such, and Mike knew that Harvey was exhausted. “Come on,” he told his boyfriend as Harvey hesitated over files he was considering bringing home. “You’ve worked enough for one day. Besides, these don’t need to be done by tomorrow. They can wait.”

“Alright,” Harvey sighed, a tiny smile on his lips as he allowed Mike to steer him from the office and towards the elevators. “Are you staying at my place tonight?” Harvey asked as the elevator doors closed, giving them some privacy.

“Do you want me to?” Mike asked, quirking an eyebrow up at Harvey. Harvey huffed and shook his head.

“Not like that,” he sighed. “I’m too damned tired for that.”

Mike reached out and rubbed a hand over the back of Harvey’s neck. “How about I come home with you and take care of you? In a totally non-sexual way,” he added when Harvey eyed him suspiciously. “Dinner. Warm bath. Back rub. The works.”

Harvey smiled at the thought. “Yeah, alright.”

Mike and Harvey chatted idly with Ray as he drove them home. Harvey’s driver had taken them both to Harvey’s place and picked them both up enough times to know exactly what their relationship was, and he seemed to approve. Mike was glad, because other than Donna and maybe Jessica, Ray was the only person he’d met who seemed to be Harvey’s friend.

When they arrived back at the apartment, Mike set to work on dinner. He wasn’t the chef Harvey was, but he could manage some of the simple-but-elegant pasta boxes that were in the pantry. Harvey watched amusedly from the couch as Mike cooked, probably thinking about the time Mike had burned something and set off the smoke alarm. After that, it had taken a great deal of begging and coaxing for Harvey to let Mike anywhere near his kitchen.

“I didn’t burn anything,” Mike told Harvey as he handed the other man a plate of penne pasta in Alfredo sauce with diced chicken.

“I can see that,” Harvey replied with a little smile. Mike watched as Harvey ate, pleased by the casualness of the scene. He loved moments like this, when it was just him and Harvey, with no posturing, no professionalism, no hiding, no need to do anything but love each other, as they both so greatly did.

“What?” Harvey asked, breaking Mike out of his thought. Mike just smiled.


“I’m sure,” Harvey replied dryly. “Well, I’m done with my food. I guess that means it’s time for the warm bath you promised?” He smirked, but it was half-hearted and faded easily into a fond smile. Mike smiled back.

“Sure. Just let me put these dishes in the washer.”

Mike put away the dishes, then went over to where Harvey was still lying on the couch. The older lawyer held out a hand to him, and Mike grinned at the playfulness as he pulled Harvey up. “Come on,” he urged, pushing Harvey towards the master bedroom, with its huge bathtub. “Bath time.”

Harvey brushed his teeth while Mike ran the water, filling the tub. He poured some of Harvey’s expensive shampoo into the water, partly to annoy him by wasting it, and partly to make bubbles, which would also annoy him. As Harvey turned towards the bathtub, Mike took the used toothbrush from his hands and began brushing his own teeth. Harvey watched amusedly as Mike brushed his teeth with Harvey’s toothbrush, then rinsed it and put it away.

“What?” Mike asked when he saw Harvey still standing there fully clothed. “Do I have to undress you too?”

Harvey raised an eyebrow, and Mike laughed. He went over to Harvey and started pulling at his tie. “Hey!” Harvey objected. “Don’t pull like that! This was expensive!”

“So take it off yourself,” Mike replied, and Harvey grumbled but did. Once he had removed the tie, jacket, and vest, Mike took pity on his and began helping with the buttons of his shirt. When it was open, he pushed it back from Harvey’s shoulders and set it on the counter with the other clothes, which Harvey wouldn’t let get thrown on the floor and wrinkled if he could avoid it. He urged Harvey to sit on the edge of the tub, then set to work on his shoes and socks before finally undoing the button of his pants and sliding the zipper down.

Harvey stepped out of his pants and boxers and flashed a smirk at Mike. Mike just smiled in return as he let his eyes wander over Harvey’s gorgeous body. Harvey stepped into the bathtub, sighing as he sank into the hot water. Mike laughed when Harvey blew away the soap bubbles that threatened to cover his mouth and nose.

Mike knelt next to the bathtub as Harvey leaned back and closed his eyes contentedly. He watched Harvey’s serene face, glad to see him looking calm for the first time all week. Mike let one hand reach over the edge of the bathtub and dip into the water just a bit. His knuckles brushed Harvey’s thigh, but neither man pulled back, or attempted to touch more.

When Harvey cracked an eye open and looked at Mike, he cupped his hand in the water and poured it over Harvey’s hair. Once it was sufficiently wet he poured shampoo into his hands and began working it through Harvey’s gelled locks. It took a lot of soap to remove all the hair gel, but Mike didn’t complain about the work. He did, however, file that bit of information away to tease Harvey with later, like when the man was putting more gel in his hair the next morning.

Mike massaged Harvey’s scalp, making the other man sigh contentedly. He lifted handfuls of water up to rinse Harvey’s hair and watched the water and little white bubbles run down his face. Then he picked up a bottle of shower gel and pulled one of Harvey’s arms from the water. He Ran the soap over Harvey’s arm, admiring the muscles he found there. Mike washed every bit of Harvey he could reach, with the older lawyer shifting on occasion to accommodate him.

When the washing was finished Harvey continued to lay in the tub, reluctant to move from the warmth. Mike sat beside it, content just to be near Harvey. “Do you think it’s weird that I can see you naked and not want to have sex with you?” Mike asked absently.

“Yes,” Harvey replied, and Mike dipped a hand into the water and splashed him. Harvey sputtered and glared, and Mike grinned back at him.

“You’re beautiful,” Mike said fondly, resting his arms on the edge of the bath and placing his head on them. “Sometimes I just want to appreciate that by itself.”

Harvey looked a little embarrassed. He glanced away and mumbled, “Too tired to have sex anyway.” Mike laughed softly.

“Okay,” Mike sighed, and pulled himself to his feet. “Shower and rinse off the soap, and I’ll give you that back rub I promised.”

Harvey got out of the bathtub and went to the walk-in shower in another corner of the room. He turned it on and waited until it was warm to step under the spray of water. He cracked open one eye and looked at Mike. “Care to join me?”

Mike hesitated only a moment before agreeing. He quickly stripped out of his clothes and tossed them on the floor like Harvey refused to do with his, then stepped into the shower with Harvey. He stood under the warm water, enjoying the feel of it against his tired muscles. Mike felt a light touch on his head, but didn’t start of jump in surprise. He sighed when he realized that Harvey was washing his hair.

Mike could feel the left-over tension in his shoulders lessening as Harvey’s fingers massaged his scalp. He could tell that Harvey was fighting the natural urge to be as quick and efficient with this as he was with everything else, trying to slow it down and let Mike enjoy it more. Mike leaned into the touch, to let Harvey know he appreciated it.

Harvey washed Mike’s body, running his hands gently over Mike’s arms and legs. Mike pulled Harvey’s hands away when they lingered too long on his ass. “Thought you were too tired for sex?”

“I am,” Harvey admitted with a sigh.

They stepped out of the shower and, taking two towels from the rack, began to dry each other off. Mike ran the towel over Harvey’s body, then wrapped it around his waist. He pulled a hand towel from a closet and began ruffling Harvey’s hair dry, smiling at the disorder of the usually pristine locks. Harvey wrapped the towel around Mike and held the corners in each hand. He pulled the towel, drawing Mike close, and kissed him chastely on the lips. As Mike pulled back, he took the towel from Harvey and wrapped it around his waist. They left the room damp and warm and tired and happy.

Mike flopped onto Harvey’s lavish bed and stretched out with a sigh, enjoying the softness of both the mattress and the blankets. “You promised me a back rub,” Harvey reminded him.

“You’re right,” Mike sighed, pulling himself into a sitting position. Harvey sat beside him and kissed his cheek, then stretched out on his stomach and pulled a pillow to his chest, offering his back to Mike.

“I’m always right,” he said, and Mike laughed.

Mike ran his hands over Harvey’s back, working out any stubborn knots that still remained after the soak in warm water. Harvey sighed contentedly and arched into Mike’s touch like a cat. Mike crawled on top of him, straddling Harvey’s body to get the best access to his back. He pushed down in the middle of Harvey’s upper back until he felt and heard a pop, then kneaded his thumbs into Harvey shoulders in a way that made him groan. When Mike was done, Harvey was lying bonelessly on the bed, half-asleep in a haze of blissful relaxation.

Mike turned out the light and pulled back the covers, chuckling when he had to cajole Harvey to move enough to get under them. “This might be better than sex,” Harvey mumbled as he lay back against his pillow. He snuggled into the 1000-thread count Egyptian cotton sheets, pre-warmed from when he was lying on top of them.

“Really?” Mike asked with an amused smile. “From my end it’s a whole lot of work and not a lot of pay out.”

Harvey reached out and pulled Mike close against his body, still wonderfully warm from the hot bath. “Next time,” Harvey murmured, “I’ll do you.” Mike laughed softly at that, not sure if Harvey meant it as a sexual joke or not.

“Right,” he said as Harvey kissed the back of his neck and nuzzled him sleepily. “I’m sure you will.”

genre:domestic, warning:unbetaed, genre:fluff, item:fanfiction, genre:established relationship, genre:slash, ship:harvey/mike, rating:pg-13, fandom:suits

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