Fanfic- Steps to Love 12/13: Step 4- Confront Him (part b)

Jan 31, 2011 22:53

Title- Steps to Love 12/13: Step 4- Confront Him (part b)
Fandom- Star Trek XI
Ship- Spock/Kirk
Chapter Rating- NC-17
Overall Rating- PG-13 thru NC-17
Genre- slash, romance, drama
Warnings-  none
Disclaimer- I do not own Star Trek
Chapter Summary-  The natural progression of the last scene of 11/13 (which is to say, smut).
Overall Summery- Spock enlists McCoy's assistance in wooing one Captain James T. Kirk.
A/N- Inspired by ragdoll987's Bragging Rights and Veggie Girl's Tomorrow. Thanks to cozibizzle for beta-ing!

Spock gazed into Jim’s clear blue eyes, content for the moment to simply bask in the joy of love finally admitted and accepted. Without thinking, he continued to run his thumb gently against the side of Jim’s hand, kissing him in the Vulcan way. Jim leaned forward slowly, almost cautiously, though now he surely understood that his advances would not be rejected. It was more like he was savoring the moment, committing every detail to memory to be treasured later. His eyes slid shut as their lips met, kissing the human way.

The first kiss was chaste and gentle, but when they pulled apart Jim was panting, and Spock noted, rather vaguely, that his own breath and heart rates were up as well. They held one another’s gaze for a fraction of a second before they kissed again, more fiercely. It was Spock who took the initiative in an uncharacteristic display of haste, sliding his tongue against Jim’s cool lips. His captain -his lover- opened his mouth with a soft moan, allowing Spock’s tongue to enter and explore his mouth. Kirk’s hands moved up to fist in Spock’s hair and shirt, preventing him from moving away -not that he’d ever want to.

“Spock,” Kirk gasped when they finally broke apart, the need for oxygen forcing them to pause.

“Jim,” he replied, kissing the other man’s cheek.

“Mm.” Kirk’s active hands had moved down from Spock’s shoulders and were pulling at the edge of his shirt, brushing against the heated skin beneath it. “I think it’s time we got this off of you.”

Spock felt a thrill of excitement run through his body as he pulled away from Jim to tug his shirt over his head. He dropped it haphazardly on the ground and attempted to return the gesture, but Jim was eagerly exploring his body, his touch and the coolness of his hands both making Spock shiver, and he refused to lift his arms to remove the shirt.

Groaning softly, Spock let the fabric fall from his hands, content simply to touch his lover through the layer of cloth. Jim was aggressive, but it was not unexpected, given the man’s personality. When Spock had thought of doing this, when he had allowed himself to do so, he had always known Jim would not be a fragile or hesitant lover.

“Bed,” Spock suggested, logic fighting against pleasure to assert itself within his mind. Kirk made a noise of acknowledgement, and they began to move towards the door of Jim’s private quarters, stumbling occasionally because they refused to fully separate. When they reached the door, Spock pushed Jim against it with such force he felt the rush of breath into their kiss. He kissed Kirk’s jaw apologetically, though he knew he hadn’t done any real damage- Jim was quite strong, for a human.

Their bodies were pressed tightly together, and the effects of their activities on both of them were obvious. Jim bucked his hips against Spock’s, pressing his hardness against the other man’s thigh, and Spock nipped admonishingly at the skin just below his ear. Spock pulled back, taking advantage of his position to push Jim’s shirt up over his head, and Kirk began to fumble with the entry pad of the door. He was forced to stop momentarily when the shirt came off, but soon after the door slid open behind him. With the door no longer supporting him, Jim stumbled backwards. Spock was nearly dragged down with him, but managed to recover his balance in time to steady the other man. They dragged and pushed one another the few feet left towards the bed, until finally they collapsed onto it, Jim pinned beneath Spock.

Spock pressed kisses against Kirk’s jaw and neck as the other man’s fingers fumbled with the catch of his pants. One of Jim’s hands slipped into his pants and touched Spock, and he bit down on Jim’s shoulder with a groan. Using one arm to support himself above Jim, Spock slid his other hand over the taut muscles of Jim’s chest and stomach, and quickly undid his lover’s pants. They broke apart for a second to kick off the restrictive clothing before meeting again, fully naked, skin flush against skin.

One of Spock’s hands held one of Jim’s above the other man’s head, their fingers laced together, palm against palm. Spock could feel Jim’s passion through the link, and it excited him further. His free hand roamed over the smooth expanse of skin before him, from shoulder to chest to hip and back up again. Jim flashed him a sultry grin as his own hand slid downward to wrap around both of their erections, drawing moans from both of them with slow strokes.

Spock moved his hand to cup Jim’s face, gazing into blue eyes turned nearly black with lust. Jim’s tongue darted out and wrapped around his thumb, drawing it into his mouth. Spock let out a strangled groan as the soft, wet tongue slid against the tender pad of his thumb and sharp teeth lightly grazed the knuckle. Jim’s hand that was entwined with Spock’s pulled away to wrap around the hand pressed against his cheek, guiding it so that the thumb slipped from his lips then taking the first and second finger into his mouth. The wet tongue laved against each digit in turn, caressing it and twining around it.

Spock panted against Jim’s neck, kissing and nibbling the sensitive skin. His free hand moved down to join Jim’s around their weeping erections. As their hands touched, he saw a flash of an image that must have been from Jim’s mind, and suddenly knew what Jim wanted him to do with those fingers he’d been licking. It sent a bolt of fire down his spine to his groin, and his hand tightened around Jim’s.

Their eyes met and Spock slid his fingers from Jim’s mouth, quickly leaning down to kiss the swollen red lips. His hand slipped between Jim’s legs, reaching behind him. His slick fingers slid between Jim’s buttocks to touch the tight ring of muscle. Jim groaned into the kiss and lifted his legs to wrap around Spock’s waist, giving Spock better access to his entrance.

Spock gently stroked the tip of one finger against the pucker, testing to see what reaction it got. For a moment Jim’s hand stilled between them, and Spock could feel his chest begin to tremble. Spock’s own body was shaking, with the effort of restraining himself. But he proceeded with care, pressing the tip of one finger against the muscles until it broke through. Jim made a strange, strangled sort of noise and squirmed against Spock.

“Come on,” he said, his voice raised into a whine. “You’re driving me crazy, Spock! I’ve done this before; you won’t break me!”

It if had been under any other circumstances, Spock might have demanded to know what Jim had done, and with whom, but at this moment his mind was preoccupied with other things. Things like the feel of tight muscles clenching and rippling over his finger, nearly as sensitive as his cock. He let out a shaky breath and moved the finger out before pressing in again. Jim’s hips shifted a little beneath him, and the tip of his finger brushed something. He felt Jim’s flare of pleasure through their hands joined around their cocks, and pressed that place again.

Jim broke off their kiss and moaned, his eyes rolling back in bliss. “More,” he gasped. “Please, Spock, more.”

Spock added the second slicked finger to the first, stretching Kirk further, but the other man did not seem to be in any pain. The feel of Jim’s tight walls around his fingers was better than the feel of the hand around his cock, perhaps even better than the feel of Jim’s tongue against his fingers. It was a pleasure unlike anything Spock had ever experience before.

He could feel the trembling in Jim’s body increase. “Spock,” he panted, “not gonna… last much longer.”

“Jim,” Spock whispered against the other man’s neck as his fingers pressed that spot within him again and again. “Yes, do it. Come for me, Jim.”

That was all it took. Jim came, moaning Spock’s name over and over. His inner walls clamped down on Spock’s fingers as waves of pleasure tore through him, and his hot seed splattered against their bodies, against Spock’s sensitive hand. It was more than enough to send Spock over the edge as well.

When he finally floated down from the heights of pleasure, Spock slid his fingers from Jim’s body. The other man groaned softly, but at Spock’s concerned look he smiled tiredly to show that he was uninjured. Jim pulled the sheets over them and kissed Spock’s lips lightly. “Computer, lights off,” Jim said, and they were bathed in darkness. “You’d better not think about leaving before I wake up,” Jim warned with a smile Spock could see despite the darkness.

“Never,” Spock replied with the utmost seriousness. “I told you that I would not leave your side. I meant it.”

Jim kissed him again. “I know. I love you, Spock.”

“And I you, Jim,” Spock replied as they settled themselves under the blankets. “I love you as well.”

genre:romance, item:fanfiction, rating:nc-17, ship:kirk/spock, genre:slash, genre:drama, fic:steps to love, fandom:star trek xi

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