Is the decapitation fake?

May 13, 2004 14:47

Government is getting too scary, and the more I've learned about it from political science the more I find that I hate it. Most off I hate the dualities where our president can use cocaine in his youth and be considered fit for duty when they critisized clinton on almost smoking marijuana.

Doctors are starting to weigh in on the Nick Berg decapitation video. The video shows an American man, supposedly decapitated by one of bin Laden's chief allies, that contains a whole slew of physiological inaccuracies. The decapitation occurs offscreen and Nick screams as the captors supposedly cut his throat. Screaming isn't exactly possible for more than a split second during decapitation, though gurgling can happen. Cutting a man's carotid artery would seemingly cause a whole lot of blood to spray up and around due to blood pressure (especially if he was screaming and resisting which would raise his heart rate), but no blood is seen.

Now, Nick Berg may very well have been killed, and he may well have been decapitated. The two occurances didn't neccesarily happen simultaneously, Some doctors are saying Nick may have been murdered and then a videotape made and doctored to make it look like decapitation.

What does this mean? It's a mixed message, if this is the doing of our government, which is a distinct possibility, then is this propaganda? It seems anti-ashcroft, but also anti-arab. It has been shown and meant to incite American hatred towards arabs because as the media would say, cutting off a man's head is an illogical step following prisoner abuse. In truth that's a damn lie considering how we've killed prisoners, or tortured them. But then we also kind of feel like we did something wrong and we're getting the backlash from it, and this would seem to be pretty accurate. I sure don't expect the Iraqi "insurgents" to lay down arms and stop fighting. I can't say I'd surrender in their situation.

Personally, about the video I think it's a forgery made by the CIA. In almost every conflict in the last 50 years the CIA has played both sides of the field by putting American agents in to purposefully get killed by American military units and start incidents. Last 50 years? I'd say it goes further than that come to think of it. There has been proof that the government saw Pearl Harbor coming, and more and more is coming out recently about the allegation that the United States had broken every operational enemy code by 1940. With full intelligence it's easier to end a war, or at least reduce casualties. I think it's possible that soldiers found the body of Nick Berg and decided to make a message with it to increase support for the war. I find it incredibly suspect that within 6 hours we "knew" bin Laden was responsible for the world trade center attacks, and within about 24 hours we "knew" the person who supposedly decapitated Nick Berg was an ally of bin Laden's.

But notice how we haven't found bin Laden.
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