Aug 25, 2002 16:35
Ok so this is whats been going on the past few days.
Friday: Me, Erica and Mum go to the state fair. It was soo hot. I was surprised to see that they have our favorite ride. so we go on it first of corse. and by the time we finish doing the rides we both feel nauseous. mostly from throwing our empty stomachs around and the heat. So we find mum and go off to eat. While eating we saw a really lame magic show. But I didnt care cuz I was in the shade so I was happy. As our tradition goes me and Erica got our picture taken in a photo booth. The pics are soo funny. Ill show you later. There is one of us puckering up like were gunna kiss. I look like a moose in that picture haha and in another one Erica is attacking me with her tooth brush. Good Times. and of corse it wasnt enough to be able to smell the animals mum being rased on the farm couldent leave with out seeing them. We saw a sheep that looked like Michelle's dog. haha So after tiptoeing around the barn we left. I dont like the sound of baahing sheep. for some reason it bothers me. So we hung out at home for a while till 9:00. Then Me and Ericat went down to the park to talk. Which I love doing. Its nice to be able to just siting and talk about nothing and everything with your best friend. and around midnight it was nighty night.
I cancle my ice skating plans with Marina and Erica and I go to Michelle's party in whihc I wasnt actually invited. ha Too bad I didnt have Rob Zombie with me. Then we could crash the party (bout the only way I could). Haha Guess what?! Its still hot as hell! Yep no surprise there. So we hang around Michelles back yard and watch 2 of her friends make a mess with cheeze. Man the smell alone made me wanna hurl. I dont think I will eat Nacchos and Cheeze for a very long time. and while we are waiting for more people I dont know to show up (the 2 people I hate are already there smoking up a storm as usual) I messaged my mom hi cuz I was bored. As usual she calls me the secong she gets the message. Although I didnt say to call me. and of corse by the time everyone is there its time for me to leave. So Me and Erica get in mums car and every one else piles into random cars and goes to menlo park to play kick ball. I felt kinda bad for leaving. But I had a bunch of crap that I had to go and do. So after all my crap was done Erica, me and mum go to get some fries we so badly craved. and since we awere close to mall 205 and noce of us have been there since its remodeling we decide to go have a look. Plus there is a game tradeing store in there and I have a shit load of games I wanna get rid of. So we do that and I get 2 games out of it. Then we go to block busters to get new movies. Then we go home and watch 2 of them till around 8:00. When we drive Erica home. All in all we had a great time.
I havent seen Erica in a while so it was nice to be able to talk for more then a few mins.