Feb 08, 2007 11:52
How stupid would you accuse me of being if I told you that I've allowed liquid near my laptop?
How much of a ditz would you accuse me of being if I told you that I got that liquid ON my laptop?
Yes, Paisley has finally done it. Two days after having spent a conciderable amount of time contemplating the possible disasters likely to befall my precious laptop, I had a mishap with some cleaning solution.
I'm surprised at the method of this madness. I've always thought that I'd damage my laptop in some ditzy manner. Perhaps I'd spill my coffee all over it. (A highly likely possibility with spills averaging two a week.) Perhaps I'd drop it. Perhaps I'd trip over the cord and sever it from the power box... thing... adapter. Maybe I would open it with a bit too much furvor and end up with a dismantled laptop...
I was actually being extremely careful. I mixed a solution of alcohol and water to clean the screen like I'm supposed to, sprayed a tiny bit of it on a paper towel, and carefully proceeded to clean my monitor when SOMEHOW a bit of the solution made it's way to the corner of the monitor, seeped into the workings and left a big, ugly white stain on my monitor which proceeded to expand to encomapss six inches of my screen.
I freaked out. I pulled the plug and shut it off, and tried to pull out as much of it as I could, but to no avail. I figured the best thing to do to prevent extensive damage was to take it apart and try to clean it before there was any further damage even as incredibly STUPID taking apart delicate and sensitive electronics tends to be.
I spent two hours carefully taking it all apart, half of which was spent using a thin metal thing to meticulously ease the adhesive stuff off the edges of the casing so I could put it back exactly how it was. When I got to the part where I was supposed to separate the LCD from the background (where the water settles) WHAT DO YOU KNOW it doesn't work. No matter how I wiggled and pushed and pulled things, the casing just wouldn't come off, and my project was abandoned.
Two days later, there are no signs of damage and every pixel is exactly the way it's supposed to be. So much for those two hours. ON THE OTHER HAND I did get to see what an LCD monitor looks like on the inside and sucessfully remove the screen from my laptop WHICH IS A COOL CONCEPT. I dunno. I was exited. I was even more exited when I put it all back together and it still worked. xD
Back to homework.
Speaking of homework... I fucking hate math.
Speaking of homework, I think I'm going to take this time to rant a bit about it.
The thing about independent study is that there are no real time restraints on what you can acomplish, besides eveything having to be done in a week. You can finish things in an hour, or you could take your sweet fucking time. Being the perfectionist that I am, I've been spending amazing amounts of time researching, practicing and doing the actual work in order to come up with material that makes up for my failure over the past five years. So much so that I seem to have fallen off the face of the earth. This is; when I haven't fallen off the face of the earth due to depression.
Which I shall now rant about.
THE COLD SUCKS. There seems to be a direct corrolation between how cold it is outside and how cold I get inside. It doesn't matter how warm it is in the house, I still get gloomy and sluggish. When it's pretty cold, my only interests lie in eating a huge serving of soup and staying in bed all day. There is no other reason for me to behave this way. No reason to be sad, no reason to never want to get up, but unfortunately this is the way things went this winter.
Now that the weather is warming up slightly, I'm feeling much better, but will continue to be off the face of the earth for a while. I'm planning two week-long trips (Honey&Clover style!) and another vocabulary binge (I spent three days studying SAT vocab flashcards practically non-stop last week xD) another math binge (the third of which was completed four hours ago), and a week of doing nothing but homework to knock a few weeks off the school year and stack on some extra credits.
Wish me luck!
P.P.S. Mushi-shi kicks a substantial amount of ass. Condone it. I order you.
P.P.P.S. HARRY POTTER!! *drools and clings to Rupert* NYAAAAAAAAAAANNNN! &hearts
ONG. If you haven't already heard, I think I shall fill you in. Daniel Radclife has decided to "expand" his acting profession/skills/resume and has taken on a role in an on-stage production in which he stars as a sexually confused seventeen year old boy in romantic relationships with both female and equestrian. If JK Rowling wasn't furious when she found out about this role, she sure was when she found out about the photo shoot done for the play. Production must have saved a lot of money foregoing wardrobe stylists.