Apr 07, 2003 21:33
So what if I wound up stuck in the mud this morning b/c my driveway has yet to be graveled..
Note:Check forecast.
~~wish it was Sunday~~
So what if I splashed apple juice on my lint-free, freshly pressed work attire as I was walking out the door...
Note:check to see that top is NOT secured on bottle. *smaks forehead*
~~'cause that's my fun day~~
So WHAT if my mother was being a difficult BIDDY(I KNOW her!)....
Note: Screen calls for remainder of week.
~~my I don't have to run day~~
Sowhatsowhatsowhatsososuckmytoesowhatsowhatet al...
Best get a grip and while at it plaster on my most convincing schmooze face. Work tomorrow. *Nods*
~~It's just another manic Monday~~
You said it.