Feb 24, 2003 21:01
christ almighty.
I rolled out to Vinyl last night, only to discover that my hat is missing- in- action!! I left it with Barry the bartender, whom I don't know from Adam....And b/c of my altered state, failed to notice it was not ON my head nor in my hand when I made my grand exit. Like I'd know my head from my ass, after x amounts of shots and y amounts of cocktails. Sheesh.
Smooth. REAAAAALLLLL smooth.
So, if I never see my new-wavy Dora hat again, who am I to blame but me for my negligence?!
To ease my anxiety, the other employees made it known that Barry is trustworthy, and it would not be his style to skip town with someone's belongings.
But how are they to know?!
Can they TRULY know the inner working's of dude's psyche?!
What makes one TICK?!
For all I know, a random deviant yanked it when he was preoccupied with his work!
That, or a sly female may have sweet talked him into handing it over...
I've called around....no one has his digits.....so my hands are essentially tied till Friday. What I want to know is- when I do ask him where my hat is, and he SUPPOSEDLY has no clue what I'm talking about- what I'm to do then?!
Think he'd pay in lieu of?!
Club may have a policy that relieves them of any responsibility regarding one's possession's. 'F that's the case, kiddos, I've learned a VERY valuable lesson. THAT will be the LAST time I entrust my belongings to individuals I scarcely know.
Bear in mind, it's not materials, but the PRINCIPLE of the matter.
And since I won't know anything promising until Friday night, why jump to conclusions?
Other then that, I'm feeling A-okay! While cavorting about the mall, Michelle- who last summer seemingly disappeared from my life- came bopping up to me. She's been living in Boringham, but will be moving back here next week.
Surprise, surprise.
Who will EVER break free?!
N-E-how, 'evidently' we had gotten our wires crossed, thinking each was P.O.ed at the other. Age old story, but easily resolved if both parties are in agreement. Which I am. Life's too short to hold long-term grudges.
Gotta jet, chow time!