Why I love Loki

Apr 24, 2013 01:10

When I like a character I usually go in a frenzy rampage and I search every tiny bit of information ever written about him.
This happened with Gambit, Northstar and a couple of years ago with Loki. Not the Marvel one, the mythological one.
Let’s be completely honest. I started reading (and liking) Thor’s comics with Straczinsky and I fell a little in love with the Lady Loki. I loved her/him in Siege and I cried like a little baby when in the end he died.
When I was a little girl I was in love with the Greek mythology, so it was perfectly logical to me as an adult to became obsessed with the Norse one.
I started flipping through websites collecting everything that I found interesting (and fell a little in love with the comic Valhalla) and in the end in my mind there were two distinct Loki for me to love:
- Marvel Loki
- the Loki in my head… more similar (I hope so…) to the myth one
I was happily dancing around with these two amazing people in my head, lamenting how sad it was that the fandom for the first one wasn’t so big, when the Thor movie came out.
I went to the cinema with my friends all the while tormenting them with “how awesome it was to finally see Loki in a movie” and “OMG I hope that this will bring him more fans”.
Obviously I didn’t quite expect the fans reaction.
Loving Loki became popular so quickly to take my breath away. I was so desirously happy to have new and more people to share my passion with. Then I became a little deluded and all hipster like.
I wanted to scream at everyone. Yeah, I’m strange like that.
This fandom Loki, was slightly different to the Marvel one I fell in love with. His past history (even with all the rewrites) was different and, in my opinion, more tragic. My Thor and Odin were big assholes and my Loki a self-absorbed, adorable, calculating, little bitch… and I loved him for it. He was not a puppy, but a tiger in disguise (I’m not writing this with the intention of causing polemics. It’s more a personal rambling, please don’t take offence).
Now I’m more and more in love with the Norse myths and sometimes I dream (literally… my nights are full of strange dreams) about the Loki-who-lives-in-my-head meeting with the Avengers.
These dreams are full of mistrust, mirror Asgards, things on fire, Cap being awesome, Thor meeting Thor, myth-Loki chatting with kid-Loki, Ikol, magic, shenanigans and other strange things that made me realize that my mind is really a beautiful place to be.
But even if it’s crowded with people, it’s so utterly lonely to be me.

loki, rambling

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