Jan 28, 2006 10:28
last night hillary came over with brad since she couldnt drive. we are sitting on teh footon and she says 'i love you' i wasnt sure if it was an actual i lve you or she was just saying it so i reasked her what she said and sure enough she said it. ok no big deal. then i started to think about what she said to me as the night went on.
we went to downtown chicago to go to millenium park, i've never been down there for anyt hing like what we did, i mean i've been there for basball games, and football games, and field trips, and to roller blade with my aunt but nothing like we did. it was such an amzing scene to be able to sit back and look at everything. the lights all lit up, the people on the rink, and most of all haveing the one next to me that i cared about most. i couldnt stop looking at her and thinken about what she said to me on the footon. the whole night it was runnen through my head. when we come back and i walk her to her front door i ask again about the 'o love you' and she said maybe she meant it, i told her that maybe i meant it too, but the catch is that i really think i mean it, ever since she was there for me with all of my family bulllshit i wanted to say it to her, i didnt want to freak her out, i didnt want her to leave. i had a great thing going for me and i wasnt about to mess it up because of that. Merrian Webster defines love as 1. to hold dear 2. to feal a lover's passion, devotion, and tenderness 3. to like or desire actively-> this is how i feel about you hillary when i'm with you i know i can have a great time no matter the circumstances. i may get mad or i may be mad cuz i didnt get my nap, but that doesnt change how i feel about you one bit. and being with you and you not haven your fone to answer and it be guys when your with me has been a great thing, finally no more distractions.
however, i did have a dream that crushed me. i dont know if you believe that dreams have some reality in them. because if you do i dont want any part of this dream to become true. all it was was you saying that you didnt want to be with me, that you wanted to be with more then one guy. that you weren't in it for the relationship but other things ;) i woke up sweatier then i've ever woke up before in my entire life. (kinda gross i know, but i was pissed in the dream). i never want to have to think about the day that we would have to break up. i don't want to have to think about or worry about that day for a long time. i know you have been honest with me lately, or at least from what i can tell. i just hopes its staying that way and that you still only want to be with me, i would rather hear the truth from you then hear it from someone else, its always worse that way. im doing my damnest to make things good and for you to have a good time everytime we are out, whether or not it works, im sorry, but i want you to know that i do what i can. i hope you have a dec day at tcd. i just got up and started typing this so i think i got up at like 1020. im going to vixit my greandma since she had her lil surgery thing around 12 then amanda is comen back here around 2 to finish cleaning. call me as soon as you can princess. peace