Duct tape is like the force.
It has a light side
and a dark side
and it holds the universe together.
I found that ^^^ in random roamings on livejournal.
This evening is hell night, my cousin's sweet sixteen shindig. The greatest consolation is that there should be much to mock. Very much to mock.
The Sci-Fi channel will be airing all the episodes of Firefly over the summer. This makes me happy. I miss my Joss.
I edited my fanlistings. Only two are still there that were there before. Unfortunately I couldn't get the LOST button or the Calvin & Hobbes one (which was very cute). I also think I'll bug
violetsocks about making me a Moulin Rouge button, since I can't decide on which one to use.
I'm still unsure as to what Obi-Wan colorbars to use. I'm actually considering using two of them, with one being young Obi-Wan and one being old Obi-Wan. Does that make me seem too obsessed?
My sister loves