I had fun yesterday. Too much fun. I went to
violetsocks's house yesterday with my sister. We were there at about 12:30. She immediately gave me two Terry Pratchett books and a Neil Gaiman book. Of course, the insane girl actually expected me to give back Good Omens . If I ever doubted her sanity before... But then she drove us to Barnes & Noble and I bought my own copy, so I was happy again. So you don't have to find a copy in a library
brassbaby2004, because you can just borrow mine. As long as you promise not to let anything happen to it.
After browsing in Barnes & Noble for, um, forever, we went back and started watching 10 Things I Hate About You . That is a surprisingly good movie for a teen flick. We were about halfway through when Laura's cousin Christina called so we went to pick her up. Then we finished watching the movie and moved on to Van Helsing . That movie is absolutely hysterical. Unintentionally so, of course. We laughed so much that my sister was actually in pain. And every time we thought we were okay another stupid things happened on screen and we all started laughing again. We ate pizza during the movie and then moved on to Mean Girls . This movie really gives homeschoolers a bad name. Well, the whole thing gives movies a bad name. It was atrocious, and not even in the good way that Van Helsing was.
Eventually we had to leave. I went home with five books (Good Omens, Guards! Guards!, Men at Arms, Stardust, and Patricia C. Wrede's The Book of Enchantments), two movie/miniseries (10 Things I Hate About You, and The 10th Kingdom), and an extremely wired sister. We got home and watched the Gilmore Girls ep we'd taped earlier, and then, despite it being well after midnight, I started watching 10 Things I Hate About You . I am so enamored with that movie that it's not even funny. Actually, it sort of is since I keep singing Patrick's song. In fact, when we finished watching it this morning (we weren't insane enough to watch it all last night) we started to rewind but I had to stop it and watch the singing scene all over again. (Sidenote: Am I the only one frustrated with the interests section on my info page? It won't allow me to add certain things because they're too long or something. It doesn't actually say that, it just tells me that my info page has been edited but when I look some of the stuff I've typed in isn't there. So I can't put 10 Things I Hate About You there.)
I'm sure there is some schoolwork that I can do. But I'd really rather watch 10 Things again. Or maybe I should take advantage of an available DVD player and watch The 10th Kingdom. Then again, I'm not sure if my sister wants to watch it too, and since she's not here right now...
I guess I could always just read. I'm sure I can find something good in the house.