cos all the cool kids are doing it...

Jun 08, 2005 09:01

i don't know why i'm even doing this survey, those of you who know me well enough probably already know this shit, procrastination is the devil. oh, my new v3 phone is the best thing ever. goodbye 3!

Name: Lauren
Single or Taken: Taken
Sex: Female
Birthday: April 5th
Sign: Aries
Siblings: Two older brothers: Marc & Jonathon, they are hell sick.
Hair color: Chocolate
Eye color: Brown
Height: 5"8

• ¥ • R E L A T I O N S H I P S • ¥ •
You have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Yes
How many exes do you have?: A couple
What is your longest relationship?: 3 years, 6 months and 8 days and counting
What was your shortest relationship? I think it was with Danny at primary school for about a day. In the world of "real" relationship I guess about 3 weeks?
• ¥ • F A S H I O N | S T U F F • ¥ •

Where is your favorite place to shop for clothes: Shops on Flinders Lane & some places on Chapel
Any tattoos or piercings: Piereced ears only. Tattoo's: no thanks!
Favorite brands?: Narciso Rodriguez, chloe, proenza schouler, dries van noten, dianne von furstenberg, imitation of christ, and locally probably scanlan, josh goot, kwamee and not much else right now
What is your sexiest outfit?: I don't know. I'm not one of those girls that "plans" on going out looking sexy.
What do u wear most the time?: Lately, tracksuit pants. Gotta love swot vac.

• ¥ • S P E C I F I C S • ¥ •
Do you do drugs?: Haha. I have brains, therefore no.
What are you most scared of?: Losing the people I love, statistics.
What are you listening to right now: Kelly Clarkson
Who is the last person that called you?: Eddy
Where do you want to get married?: On a beach, best so far is probably Port Douglas
What would you change about yourself?: My crazy three times broken nose.

¥ • F A V O R I T E S • ¥ •
Colors: Yellow, orange, red, brown & black
Foods: Pizza, curry (good little indian), nachos, sushi, chocolateeeeeeee
Girls names: Ava. Steal my baby name and die.
Boys names: Yet to be decided, I haven't come across a boys name I really like, ever.
Subjects in school: In school: English, Literature, History, Economics, at Uni: Marketing Law, Corporations Law, Organisational Behaviour
Animals: Puppies!

• ¥ • H A V E | Y O U | E V E R • ¥ •
Given anyone a bath?: Giving someone a bath borders on grossness, taking abath with someone however is much more normal
Smoked?: Never: see aforementioned drug related question
Made yourself throw up?: A couple times
Skinny dipped? Nope.
Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: A couple times
Cried when someone died?: Many times. I'm sick of losing people close to me.
Lied: When absolutely necessary
Fallen for your best friend?: Nope
Been rejected?: I guess? I normally never make the first move thereby eliminating chance of rejection. What a plan!
Rejected someone?: Yes
Used someone?: No, that's fucking lame.
Done something you regret?: Not a lot, I have pretty good judgement most of the time.

• C U R R E N T • ¥ •
Clothes: Trackies & Kwamee hoodie
Annoyance: Studying, the amount of stupid people I encounter on a daily basis, people talk shit about stuff they have no idea about, saving money, all the night Gold Class sessions of Mr & Mrs Smith being sold out.
Smell: Stella McCartney
DVD in player: 10 Things I Hate About You

• ¥ • L A S T | P E R S O N • ¥ •
You touched: Mark
Hugged: Mark
You IMed: I don't do IM/MSN/blah blah blah
You yelled at: Maybe Mark? Sorry bubs!

• ¥ • A R E | Y O U • ¥ •
Understanding: I try to be
Open minded? To a certain extent, but people, being open minded doesn't mean the going out and dooing drugs and doing fucked up shit is cool and "open-minded", I hate how people bunch all that shit together.
Arrogant: When I need to be.
Insecure: Only about certain things, not very often though.
Random: I can be
Hungry: Most of the time, food is the best,
Smart: Smarter than the average bear that's for sure.
Moody: Nope, my mood changes are completely justified therefore making me not so moody.
Hard working: Definately
Organized: Have you seen my stationary collection?
Healthy: Lately, yes.
Shy: Sometimes
Difficult: When I want/need to be
Attractive: It's all about perception my love.
Obsessed: No
Angry: Often
Sad: A little bit lately but normally I'm quite chipper
Happy: Most of the time
Hyper: When I've been studying like a madwoman after drinking about 10 coffees and 3 cans of V yes.

• ¥ • W H O | D O | Y O U | W A N N A • ¥ •
Kill?: Stupid, ignorant motherfuckers. Ie. most of the general population
Slap?: Tony Abbott
Get really wasted with?: I've been over getting really wasted for a long time, I'm too old for that shiznit. If anyone maybe only to reminisce - probably Nicole G?
In the morning I: Am always tired
All you need is: l o v e.
Love is: tha shiznit.
I dream about: crazy shit, including being chased in a jeep by some sopranos-like gang members.

• ¥ • W H O • ¥ •
Makes you smile: The people on SNL & Letterman
Gives you a funny feeling when you see him or her?: Geez I wonder?

• ¥ • D O | Y O U | E V E R • ¥ •
Sit on the internet all night waiting for that special someone to get on?: Uh, no.
Wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: No.
Wish you were younger: Yeah, things were so much easier and less complicated when we were 16.

• ¥ • N U M B E R • ¥ •
Of scars on my body: A couple. God damned sports.

• ¥ • Y O U R | T H O U G H T S • ¥ •
I am: sleepy
I want: to go to sleep but I have to stay up and wait for the courier to deliver my new sim card
I have: no V left
I wish: that money wasn't an issue
I hear: milo barking
I hate: pork
I fear: not being as successful as I want to be.
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