Part of my new accountability dealie…feel free to skip if, unlike me, you’re not a Type A Virgo and minutiae doesn’t interest you.
Last week:
- Mail ARCs of The Nightmare Garden to all who requested
- Get to 70k words in the draft of Iron Codex 3
- Write an outline for Black London 6, which I’m calling Ghost Town
- Go over swag, promo and appearance ideas for Nightmare Garden’s release
- Write up my deadline/release date calendar for 2012 (I don’t have a couple of deadlines from editors yet, so still waiting…)
- Set up a giveaway for Nightmare Garden (You can find that giveaway one post down.)
This week!
- Finish rough draft of Iron Codex 3
- Write outline for Black London 6
- Finalize deadlines for 2012/write release calendar
- Try not to go mad
Away we go!