Here's more of "Rusty Cage", wherein our narrator, Maggie, ponders being in the boy's club:
"Were I a man, I'd get a friendly handshake, a slap on the shoulder. Hell, after two years on homicides I'd probably have a nickname. Red. Or Junior. Youth and blazing Irish hair were easy pickings for cops."
Sadly, I didn't do a whole hell of a lot of work today. I had to run down to Olympia and show the house, but the good news is I think the potential tenants liked it and are going to take it.
One side effect of being back to work is that I tend to get grass-is-greener syndrome. Any project but the current project, etc. For example, I spent most of my writing time today thinking about comics and how much fun it would be to work on some existing worlds. Sadly, I don't think anyone except maybe
Chris Sims, Vampire Comic Critic Extraordinare, is interested in my kickass reboot version of A.I.M.
And if you don't know what that is, well. I can't help you there.
(Actually I can.) Seriously, Marvel. We could spin this into gold.
Call me?
Originally published at
Caitlin Kittredge.