Apr 08, 2006 13:28
In honor of the coming easter holiday, I've decided to resurrect my livejournal from the dead. No longer will I supress my opinions/thoughts/desires/musings/interests/enthusiams.
A few pieces of sports information that I am quite happy to announce:
The Detroit Tigers have started their season 4-0. This is quite encouraging for such a die-hard Tigers fan such as myself
The Red Wings will probably win the president's trophy for the most points in the NHL. The chances for an 06' cup are very real
The Detroit Pistons are so good it's embarassing. They can beat teams by 30 points, or they can come back from down 20 just for kicks.
As for the lions.. NO MORE JOEY HARRINGTON. There is hope for the future!
Also, my yahoo! fantasy hockey team is in first place and it looks like I might beat out everyone in my division...
What other news should I tell you about? Perhaps that coca-cola is releasing a coffee+coke concotion called "coke blak" that I can't wait to try. Also on the beverage front is the new berry flavored Dr. Pepper. The diet version goes down quite smooth. I am a guru of non-alcoholic beverages and I am considering using my livejournal as a forum for beverage reviews and taste tests. More on that later.
As for my participation in consuming the media's entertainment goods, right now I am huge fan of the show Boston Legal (for its snappy dialogue and wit), the comedy "scrubs" is hilarious, and when i'm awake for it, late night with Conan O'brien is always fantastic. CSI Miami holds my interest on monday nights. I need to finish watching Alias season 4 sometime...
As far as what i'm listening to these days, it's still heavily weighted towards guitar driven blues and jazz and classic rock. Clapton and SRV are mainstays on my MP3 player. My appreciation for piano-driven music has not been ignored, Bruce Hornsby, EJ, and Billy Joel are in heavy rotation. I still listen to the counting crows quite often, and I highly recommend that you listen to "Damien Rice".. his music is very poetic and creative, but also highly listenable. I wish Norah Jones would come out with a new CD. My most recent music purchase was a Black Crowes concert DVD, the guitar work is incredible.. however lacking the vocals might be. I'd be amiss to not mention my continued appreciation for gospel music and emerging Christian artists. The bland WMUZ christian pop sound is wearing thin on me now. And Hillsong is fantastic for worship, but not so much for the MP3 player whilst i'm on the treadmill.
My school-work is getting heavier in this last month of classes. It's rough being a music major when you have 10 different classes to think about at any given time. I just finished writing a term paper about the proper use for music in modern christian worship. It was very enlightening to research all the opinions and ideas about music from various theological and social perspectives. I am enjoying the artistic process of developing as a choral conductor, but I realize I need as much experience as I can get.
Lastly.. the social aspects of my life.. are interesting if not frustrating at this moment. My school holds a junior/senior formal night and I asked a freshmen who is in my physical science class to go with me. I didn't know her that well, but she seemed like a nice girl and all and she did say yes. Unfortunately, my efforts to get to know her better have been a failure, she's rather distant.. I left her a message asking her if she was doing alright but she hasn't returned my call. Maybe she's got the wrong idea.. I just want to be her friend!
I have a music-ministry internship this summer in Toledo, Ohio at a church called Calvary Temple. It seems like an awesome opportunity, I just hope I'm not over my head...
Oh and yes, absolutley, without any doubt whatsoever, God is incredibly good and knowing Jesus and making Him known is the number one priority that makes my life worth living.