Bored as fuck.

Sep 11, 2005 15:47

*What size is your bed?: Twin I believe. It's small =(
*Is your floor carpeted?: Yep
*If so, what color is it?: It's black with little lines of color. It's cool
*Do you have posters on your wall: Yeah But I'm changint them soon
*Of what: Certain bands and movies. Changing it to play posters
*Do you keep your room clean, or is there junk all over the floor: Junk all over the floor
*Are you allowed to eat in your room: Yes it's my room I do what I please in it
*How many times a day do you brush your teeth: once or twice
*Do you take a shower daily: most of the time
*Do you wear perfume/cologne: no

*Do you go outside often: Enough
*Is your lawn green or brown: Green
*Do you have a patio in the back: yes
*How many trees are in your yard: 1 in the back 2 in the front

*Are you male or female: Female
*Are you sure: *looks into pants.* Yep im sure
*Do you have any piercings: Only ears
*If so, where: Ears.
*Do you like your name: Eh I could do with or without it
*Do you like lotion? Certain types
*Do you use Chapstick: Yes
*Do you shave your legs: Yes

[ MISC. ]
*Is the sky really blue, or is it white with blue clouds: Neither. I read the whole explination at Diane's last week but I forgot it.
*Did that last question confuse you: nope
*Do you eat chocolate often: Yes haha
*Do you have a job: Not yet.
*Do you like it: ~
*Why or why not: ~~
*Have you ever wondered why there is bark on trees: Not really.
*When you kick a tree, does it bruise the tree: The hell?
*What do you hear right now: My own typing, Cars, the train, the breeze =)
*What do you smell right now: Iced tea cuz im drinking it
*Are you alone in the room: Yes
*Are you at home: Yeah
*What time is it: 3:53
*Who was the last person you talked to on the phone: ummmmmmmmmmmmmm My grandpa i believe

[ THE LAST... ]
*person you hugged: My cousin
*person who called you: Grandpa
*person you called: Dan
*thing you touched: Keyboard and mouse
*magazine you bought: uhh i havent bought a magazine in a very long time.
*place you went: 7-11 to get ice
*person who said "I love you": in the family way. My uncle. In the other way my boyfriend
*person who you chatted with: Danielle probably
*perfume/cologne you sprayed: uhh
*thing you ate: Left over cake.
*drink you drank: Iced Tea!
*flower you picked: Probably a lilac out of my backyard a while ago.
*movie you rented: The Amityville dollhouse
*letter you typed: e
*word you said outloud: holy shit.
*person on your mind: My friend
*place where you slept: My bed
*animal you touched: Lucky
*time you cried: Yesterday

*Jungle: Animals
*Hobo: Manhatten
*John Deere: Farm?
*America: Fuck off.
*Guy: Penis
*Girl: Vagina
*Kitten: Cute.
*Cherry: Sexual
*Healthy: Fitness
*CD: Phantom
*Wal-Mart: Underpaid workers
*Movie: The lion king
*Arrow: Bullseye
*Sing: Broadway
*Coaster: Glass
*Cord: Telephone
*Telemarketer: Get a real job.

And now onto the fun not so boring shit.

1. When you look at yourself in the mirror, what's the first thing you look at? Definatly my eyes. They are the feature I get complimented most on so I tend to check them first to see if they actually are worthy of all the compliments.

2. How much cash do you have on you?
Like 10 bucks. not enough for gas and cigarettes so it isnt enough money.

3. What were you doing at midnight last night?
Probably still drinking. =)

4. What do you think about the person who took this survey before you?
I got this from Llia's journal and I think she is a wonderful Beautiful person and I love her.

5. Do you ever click on "Pop Ups" or Banners?
I swear to god I hate those things so much. They are totally pointless and a complete waste of space.

6. What is your main ring tone on your phone?
I honestly couldnt tell you I dont have one of those cool phones that allows me to download fun ring tones. No because my phone is older than I am.

7. Who is the 4th person on your missed call list on your cell phone?:
My friend Lee

8. Do you "label" yourself, could you?
I fucking hate labels more than I hate popups and telemarketers combined. Who said we have to fall under a certain label..why cant we all just be ourselves

9. The brand of the shoes you’re currently wearing?
I'm actually not wearing my shoes right now but the last pair i had on where my converse

10. Bright or Dark Room?
I really like a dark room. Thats probably why my walls are painted dark red and my carpet and comforter are both black.

11. Favourite plant?
I'd have to say the Spiderplant. Which is really funny because im afraid of spiders haha.

12. Ever "spilled the beans"?
Yes I have before. Shit happens

13. What's a word that rhymes with "TEST"?
Best, Crest, Breast, Guessed

14. What did your last text message you received on your cell phone say?
"I'll tell you"

15. What shirt are you wearing?
My night shirt with disney villans that says "bad is beautiful"

16. What's a saying that you say a lot?
Fuck off, I hate you, Good talk

17. Who told you they loved you last?
Probably one of my family members.

18. Last furry thing you touched?
My dog.

19. How many hours a week do you work?
*gasps for air while laughing*

2o. How many rolls of film do you need to get developed?
None I finally took them in and got them done.

21. Favorite age you have been so far?

22. Your worst enemy?
I'm not so sure i really have one anymore. I am my own worst enemy.

23 What is your current desktop picture?
Assorted Pictures from Phantom of the Opera

24. What was the last thing you said to someone?
Well that was fun let's do it again sometime.

25. If you had to choose between a million bucks or to be able to change a major regret?.
Regrets are pointless. What kind of life are you going to have if you spend most of it regretting things? So I'd gladly take the million bucks k thanks
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