Title: When a nerd falls for a jock...
Chapter: 14/??
Genre: High school AU, Romance, Friendship,Fluff, Angst...
Warning(s): Bullying, Rape
Rating: PG-13 to NC-17
Pairing(s): JongYu (main), 2min, EunHae, YooSu, slight OnKey, Bff!OnTae, Bff!KeyJongHo
Summary: Jinki was living his life happily as a nerd when suddenly the unexpected
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Everything about this fic, I love. I even love the YooSu and EunHae when I'm not even a fan of them. I'll be honest with you, sometimes I get confused because there are just too many characters mentioned in every chapters but then that story guide you made helped alot. And don't take in a wrong way but I'm sure most of the people who read this fic are probably interested in just the Jongyu so it will be good if it was more focused on them. It's just a suggestion but I really don't mind. I don't care as long as I know that you are not going to abandon the story.
Now this chapter. I've been wondering who Taemin was talking about when he said someone has changed. I thought it was Minho because you know, there is 2min in the story and everything. So it turns out it was Thunder. (guess I should have picked that up from the story guide) Other things I learned from the chapter:
1) Key is gay (not even surprised)
2) Eunhyuk and Donghae are having sex in SM (something tells me that Yoochun knows about it. you're turning me into a EunHae fan, seriously. )
3) Kevin and Kibum *mouth hanging open* (reminds me of the old U-Kiss days)
4) Minho is one cocky bastard (I think it's sexy)
5) Soon, there will be an encounter between Jinki and that asshole, Jonghyun (I can feel it coming)
Oh and did I tell you reading your fic is like reading a book? I'm not lying!
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