Title: When a nerd falls for a jock...
Chapter: 12/??
Genre: High school AU, Romance, Friendship,Fluff, Angst...
Warning(s): Bullying, Rape
Rating: PG-13 to NC-17
Pairing(s): JongYu (main), 2min, EunHae, YooSu, slight OnKey, Bff!OnTae, Bff!KeyJongHo
Summary: Jinki was living his life happily as a nerd when suddenly the unexpected
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WHAT IS UP WITH THIS ONTAE CUTENESS??? I CAN'T EVEN TAKE IT LIKE OMYGOSH >.< I love love love their friendship. Honestly I'm not even a OnTae fan but I think you're making me one. But I was angry at Jinki for not telling Taemin the truth though. He and his pride issues aishh... Okay so I particularly laughed at this part
He would occasionally enter Jinki's room when he needed to take a shower or get his comics, since most of his stuff was in his room. He would pass right in front of Jinki, making sure that he had seen him as if trying to remind Jinki that he still exists, and marches back to his room scrunching his nose without sparing a second glance, troubling Jinki even more.
LOLOLOL!! I can imagine Taemin like that!! The when he thinks of his "evil plan" to get Onew to come to him with chicken was just ad-or-able!! Such a cutie you've made him in this fic.
AND KIM FUCKIN JONGHYUN!!!! WHAT THE FUCK?? HOW CAN HE POSSIBLY FORGET WHAT HAPPENED???? I think he's pretending. No I know it! He is soo pretending like he doesn't remember!!
Just update quick will you?? :P I'm kdding, Take your time :D I'll be waiting...
(why didn't you save me a spot?? :()
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