(no subject)

Nov 12, 2004 22:39

hop aboard the boredom bandwagon!

The Basics

Name: Gaelen...though i dnt like it. my real names are Fluffy, Muffy, Minion, It, GG, HEY YOU! and a few others
Age: 15 baby
DOB: 6/14/89
Height: 5'2" 5'3" or something like that.
Weight: haha, lets not go there
Weight you wanna be: skinnier? -prepares to be beaten-
Siblings: Umm...two. older. much older. so yes, i have siblings...
Hair Colours: light brown...how boring. with red higlights that have faded to orange....
Eye Colour: OH i know this one! Hazel!


Food: lets be original and say...wait a second...its definatly chocolate. so much for being original
Drink: Water...or tea. i like tea. or cherry coke (the lesbian coke...dont ask. i dunno where i got that)
Time of day: um...late?
Place: In ambers arms...-sounds corny-
Colour: Dark red, like the colour of blood. Or bright orange, something that hurts your eyes.
Item of jewellery: my collar. no doubt.
Item of clothing: my massive black sweatshirt. wait do shoes count? then my painted converse!
Room in the house: er. mine. its dark and nice when i have the lights off, so calming.
Quote: webber: "its a rush to kill someone with a pink 24 inch double ended dildo"

Who was the last person you...

Talked to?: my mother....
Saw?: my mum
Argued with?: see above.
Slapped?: uh...maybe webber...or simon....or bill?
Phoned?: Amber
IM'ed? Amber
Emailed? Denise
Hugged? my mum...sadly enough
Kissed? Amber (^^)

Who was the last person who...

Saw you? ...my mother....i hope....
Slapped you? uh, i think webber when he was trying to wake me up this morning
Phoned you? Amber...
IM'ed you? Amber....(wow im seeing a pattern here)
Emailed you? Winona

Do you believe in...

Faeries? Yes, yes i do. and you effed that word up survey person
An afterlife? undecided
God? does the goddess count?
Satan? i do not believe in a hell or a leader there of in the religion i practice
Magick? Yes. im a wiccan. nough said
Love at first sight? yes (-sighs-)
Everlasting love? yes to that too (^^)
Yourself? depends...

Orientation (gay, bi, straight)?: i am a lesbian but can still find a few guys cute
Got a bf/gf?: yes...acctually ^^ amazing i know
If so, who: well, her name was mentioned at least 6 times up there..Amber
How far have you gone? haha, no one wants to know this
How far you wanna go? well i want to grow up and mary. does THAT answer your question?
How long you been with them?: almost a month ^^
Singles - do you wanna be single?: im not...
Got a crush?: yesh ^^
O.o who?: lets think real hard shall we?
Reckon you got a chance?: well im dating her...

Have you ever...

Fasted?: acctually. yes. lol
If so, how long for?: However long I've slept.
Eaten to the point of being sick?: All the time, sadly enough -pats flub-
Been arrested?: Ive never been caught...
Been cautioned?: um?
Been banged up?: wow...-tries to drag mind out of gutter-
Nicked sweets?: mmmmmm those little children are so easy to steal from
Gone joyriding?: joyriding?
Gone skinny dipping?: -coughs innocently-
If yes where?: none of your business
Died?: which is why im here, doing this stupid thing
Been in a car accident?: yes, acctually, i have. cause my mom is just that good of a driver
Been skydiving?: haha, me...about 20,000 miles off the ground, jumping out of a flippin plane...yeah. right.
Been grounded?: once...or twice i think...
Been scuba diving?: snorkling, yes. but i have a strange fear of seaweed...
Beaten someone up?: n-does jessi count? hes not really someone...
Killed someone?: No....-kicks dead body back into closet-

Do you...

Smoke?: ew. no.
Drink?: haha about that...
Smoke skunk?: skunk? damn those things smell bad enough, why in hells name would you smoke the damn thing
Take pills?: IM A PILL POPPER! WOO! wait does my medication count? they say it helps me....
Do hard drugs?: no.
Sleep too much?: i only wish
Eat too much?: hell yeah
Yell too much?: yes. i have a temper problem

When was the last time...

You got stoned?: nah.
You got drunk?: haha...plead the 5th again
You went to hospital?: HAHA funny story there. 1/2 a gallon of cleaning fluid and me as a small child. you do the math
You got grounded?: oh, flipping htings up eh? um like a month ago
You stayed out past your curfew?:um. i dont have a curfew really, and it would be hard to stay out past it since i cant drive
You stayed in all night?: um, every night since sunday, and most nights i have history homework
You went to the cinema?: like...a few weeks ago.

The Investigation

What were you doing when Mr Burns got shot?: I wasnt standing next to him holding a gun...-kicks gun out of the way and coughs innocently-
Where were you?: Not next to him, like i said before....
Did you hear the shot?: What shot?
Did you fire the shot?: Of corse not...
Do you know any witnesses?: I was carefu-i mean...how would i know?
Are you a witness yourself?: .....
Did you shoot Mr Burns?: I PLEAD THE 5TH
I'm arresting you, whatever you say.: MAKE THE SIREN GO WOOOOOO!

And finally...

Do adverts annoy you?: adverts?
Do you hate school?: school sucks. for free.
Do you hate yourself?: hate is a strong emotion...
Do you wish you were a little kid again?: I still am a little kid.
What is your ambition?: ambi-wha?
Am I boring you?: you are just elevating the feeling to a whole new level
Why did you take this thing anyway?: i followed the crowd.
How do you say goodbye?: Have a nice life...or dont, i dont really care.
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