expressionless smiles surrounding my existance

May 17, 2004 12:53

nothing, no not nothing
not much can be said about what gose on behind the thin line of reality i place around me. if true feelings were expressed maybe then there wouldnt be much confusion of who we are in this operation of distruction, and clense. or maybe these arent the right words but if they arent then what would the "right" words be? if you think you have an explanation tell me, us the population of ppl who would like to knw, and it just so happens that that population of ppl who would like to knw are acording to the thing we call "goverment", the minority, we are young and dont knw much about anything . . . NO you are wrong we knw what really gose on you cant hide behind the interwoven lies you label as the "truth". but i cant stand alone and expect my voice to be heard among the rambleing of screams, as ANTI-FLAG knws so very well: "YOU HAVE TO SCREAM TO MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD AND I WONT STOP SCREAMING UNTIL MINE IS HEARD!!!" so wake up from what you call your imaginary AMERICAN DREAM! it not there and wont exist without imediate reaction of the public. in my mind i am public enemy number 2 and the number 1 public enemy is the goverment, dont be a fucking sheep, forced into conformity!! become a public enemy and retaliate!! form together and as the decloration of lndependence says, lound and clear, "when in course of human events it becomes nessisary to abolish the political bonds that concet us together!!!
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