Feb 28, 2006 12:42
Since people have started reading my LJ for reasons other than to RP I should really put on a warning shouldnt I?
Title: A twist of fate
Pairing: Ron/Draco (Implied Lucius/Draco, Voldemort/Draco)
Rating: (At the moment its very PG but I'm sure it will get worse...)
Warnings: Angst, Angst, More Angst, Rape, Torture....Oh and more angst.
Info: When life takes a complete 180 for the blonde Slytherin, he ends up back at Grimmald place, broken (In many senses of the word). Constantly raped, beaten and abused, Draco Malfoy had finally been rescued from his hell hole life. And its up to his ex-lover Ron to pick up the peices.
It had been almost three days since Ron had first darkened his doorway, and Draco seemed to have come on leaps and bounds. He was starting to eat again, sleeping for a longer amount of time. Plus the constant healing, however painful the process was every time, seemed to be paying off. Yes, it seemed that everything was starting to settle itself out. Of course the nightmares still came, or if he was touched in a certain way, Draco's mind would send him back into a full force flash back, usually ending up with him curling up and sobbing his heart out, but ultimately that was all part of the theorpy wasnt it?
But yet, Draco had still to step foot outside his little bedroom. He knew he was safe here, and wasnt about to risk anything. Currently he was sitting on the end of the bed, one of Lupin's cardigens wrapped around his slender shoulders, his head bowed as he emersed himself in his novel. Yes that was another noticable change. When not directly communicating with the redhead, his nose was stuck in a book...Garden grown escapism really...