Nov 08, 2004 15:12
What the hell well ive been blocked from zach because it makes all the sense in the world. God strike me down this is the punishment i deserve!
Anyway Mother and Father are in a little tiffy and who catches the shit end i do yea me. Other than that life is fine i have to march thursday :/ (go team go) and then thanksgiving is jimmi bear and mine 7 month anniversary. Some how makes me feel bad for that poor little kid seemed really happy with tiarra althoguh hes really happy with anyone. He'll get a break soon. Dimmi Bear bought me gut rings :) what a cute little kid he is. i love my fat head. Went to the yacht club sunday for bruch it was so kick ass but i felt a little out of place in my jeans. then went and got paint in my hair sunday night helping my mother. what a trip. jim got a scorpion (not really happy) he thinks his little bitch pet is better than mine. well not after i stomp it with my shoe! oops did i say that? *sigh* so life is alright i guess