A gunfight, late night driving and high school

Jun 20, 2009 02:18

SO. I had another dream. (Yes, I'm putting a lot of effort into writing them all down.)

The dream was in three parts. The first part, I was in a warehouse of some sort. It wasn't a dank, dark and rusty warehouse though. It was bright and white and looked high tech/futuristic. I was part of a shootout with some other people. I got on top of a cargo container and started sniping down some of the opposition. Suddenly the 'leader' of the group we were fighting stands up from somewhere, and holds up this remote that he has in his hand. I swear, this scene is so 'evil villain with big red button'. Anyway, he holds up the remote, and says he was waiting for me to be stupid and get on the container, which he has hooked up to a high voltage generator which will activate once he presses the button !!! Just as he presses it, I jump off and feign death. Then he laughs menacingly. I run behind some other crates and hide there with another person on my side (a blond girl), and grab a gun. I'm waiting for the right moment to return fire, when someone pops up from our side and starts shooting at us. Bullets literally graze my cheek and I push the girl down to protect her. I think I get shot in the back, but I manage to shoot and kill the guy shooting at us. I get my hands on a high powered gun (I think it's an M16) and I pop out again, much to the bafflement of the lead 'bad guy' and I shoot them.

Dream cuts.

It's night, and it's raining. I'm in a parking lot, in my car, looking for a place to park. Jyli's in the backseat. The ground looked orange because of the street lamps reflecting off the wet pavement. Mike was there too, but he was in his own car, also driving around with us. I don't really remember what our conversation was, but I had my window down and the three of us were talking, just driving around. Eventually we started doing crazy tricks with our cars, doing spins and semi-drifting and all that. I did a hard turn and lost control into a spin, and somehow parked perfectly.

I got out of the car, and it was day. Jyli and Mike are nowhere to be found. I was in my high school uniform, and I was in front of my high school. Something had happened to it, because it looked completely different and very ugly. You know that mint green/blue paint color? The whole school was that color. It was downright ugly. Everything seemed cramped, too. The hallways were very small, and everything seemed to be just stuffed inside. And the layout was totally strange too. It didn't make sense. I walked inside, after getting frisked by security guards like the ones at mall entrances, and found myself at the cafeteria. It wasn't lunch time though, so all the stalls were closed. Everything was dirty and dusty and unmaintained. I continued walking, and ran into some people from high school I knew, but they didn't recognize me. I passed by a classroom and came to a dead end at the end of a long hall. I don't know why, but I look up, and I start to scale the wall. In my uniform. XD After climbing up a bit, I see a ledge and a door with no path leading to it. Dream ends there.


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