(no subject)

Jan 05, 2004 10:18

I had a dream last night. All lot of things happened in it, but the one I remember most is my gramma being alive(my mother's mother). She still had cancer, though, and she was in a wheelchair. But the good part was that we were friends again and that mad me happy. Because before she died I was a bitch to her and I wrote all these bad things in my journal about her. She died like a week after that and I've felt so...horrible ever since. I told Crystal, but I didn't tell my mom because she'll start saying how much she misses her mom and how she wish her mom was still alive. I love my mom, but I get so tired of hearing her...That's mean, isn't it? Let me take that back before something bad happens to my dear old mummy and I'd regret that too. But really everyone needs someone to listen to.

God, right now my 4 year old brother is crying because he doesn't wanna take a breathing treatment. He has asthma and instead of an inhaler he has this big old machine that blows out smoke that smells funny. Haha, last night was pretty funny because he was so hooked on this video game that my aunt had bought us that he played it for 3 hours straight. My dad and mom were like, "Oh my god, you got Christopher hooked onto that game." We finally had to kick him out our room and that made him sad. I told him there was always tomorrow, but Crystal was like ah hell, naw.

I wrote this poem last night. I let my mom read it and it made her all nervous. I tried to explain to her that I was using symbolism, but she still was looking all crazy. She was like did the guys in the poem rape you or something? But then Crystal explained it, so everything was all gravy again.

Well, that's it, I guess.
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