Jul 22, 2004 00:57
Sometimes I wish I would just die. I could, but I'm soooo afraid of the pain, you know. Would it hurt worse than what I'm feeling right now, though? Would he have cried when he read the article in the newspaper? Who would? My father says it's for the best, I'll see. My mother's all happy about it. My little brothers and sisters don't care. So why should I? I mean, I shouldn't be the one spilling tears over something God wanted to happen. It's for the best. It's meant to be. I saw it coming. Then why am I so damn upset? I may sound like more of any idiot when I put this up, but if I had the power to change anything, it would be for time to stop. If it did, then I'll have what I have right now-him and me, together...laughing, happy-forever. It's funny like that song says-don't it always seem to go that you don't know what you got till it's gone...
Would he cry if it happened?