I'm doing my Data Analysis assignment on
Supernatural_fic because hey, why waste an opportunity to do something fun and it's a good seven months out of date and there's no way I can catch up on tagging the
spnnewsletter in time. I will have to leave Season 5 out - woe!
Are there hardy souls out there who would be up for helping and doing a month each? I estimate it takes me about 20 hours to do 30 newsletters which is a great opportunity to mainline a TV series you haven't got around to watching.. (or two!) go on, you know you want to help. *flails* Assignment is not due until late July so there is time to tag everything if people can help.
I can promise regression analysis, time series analysis and serious commentary on the rise of Dean/Castiel plus I will love you forever and praise you and maybe, you know, knit you something and post it to you1 or, if knitted goods terrify you I will send you something uniquely Australian that is not a kangaroo scrotum.
1I do funny hats and scarves well, and socks and jumpers slowly and badly.
2Now cross-posted for maximum pleading.
This entry was originally posted at
http://samvara.dreamwidth.org/477140.html, where there are