Accounting Seminar 12 - Presentations & final Exam

Apr 29, 2010 12:10


This was a 5 min discussion of things you need to know for the exam followed by splitting into teams of 3-4, getting randomly allocated topics and time-slots then doing some rapid debate preparation.

Me and the boys wrangled our topics and did some planning - our ah, methods are varied and our execution did too, expecially the bit where M. flung himself on the floor to demonstrate just how many legs our opponents didn't have... it made sense at the time! Mostly fun with a tinge of silly. Grade for presentation was 78% which I am happy with - need to get better at public speaking, I'm good when I'm invested in my topic but random topics, not so much.

Peer Assessment

Am irritated by this. We did the 1st round and were told we did it wrong, got given a 2nd round to do as 'practice' which we did half-assed and then got told we weren't going to get to do a 3rd round and they were using the 2nd round results. Communication!fail.


Was 2 hours 10 mins but I ran out of things to say with half an hour to spare so I re-read everything, added a few words then bolted. Final result for course overall was 70% and back calculating says exam result was 66% which pretty accurately describes the amount of study I did for it (worked through the 2008 exam and results which seemed to imply answers should be very short and to go for the simplest answer).

Overall I'm happy with the course; it's a difficult subject top make interesting and I think our presenter did a noble job of doing that. I think the assessment could have been clearer, the in-class group exercises, the tests, the peer assessment and the past exams all suffered from various forms of ambiguity but I came away from the course with a fair amount of knowledge and some good trivia. This entry was originally posted at, where there are

sotbi:accounting, sent off to be improved

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