AO3 Release Notes to self

Mar 11, 2010 21:03

Current slice'n'dice of Google Code Issues

Release 0.7.3

Status versus Priority
Count of Status Priority         Status Critical High Medium Low Grand Total Accepted 2   1   3 Assigned 2   2   4 FixedAndCommitted   1 3 1 4 FixedAndVerified 5 18 70 18 108 FixedButUnverified 3 2 17 2 25 Grand Total 12 21 93 21 144 7 to fix then test, 4 fixes ready to deploy to Test, 25 in testing, 108 ready to deploy to Beta ... getting there :)

Everything Else

Status versus Type
Count of Type Type       Status Defect Enhancement Feature Grand Total Accepted 105 30 15 150 Assigned 24 14 1 39 Design 20 22 7 49 New 2     2 Started 8 4 2 14 (blank) 1     1 Grand Total 160 70 25 255 Need to start picking out stuff a bit more strategically, plans are afoot

Status versus planned release
Count of Type Release           Status 0.7.4 0.8.0 0.9.0 (blank) Grand Total Accepted 6 44 3   97 150 Assigned   15 1   23 39 Design   4 1 1 43 49 New         2 2 Started 1 3 1 1 8 14 (blank)   1       1 Grand Total 7 67 6 2 173 255 Release reserved for Remix/Challenges, 0.7.4 needs to be reviewed, probably 0.7.5 before we start working on Subscriptions (0.8.0) and let's not talk about 0.9.0 or the blank ones just yet This entry was originally posted at
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