Dear Diary, plants, AO3, MBA and narcissistic naval gazing

Mar 10, 2010 10:44

  • Our aloe has flowered! I’ve had one of these for years and I didn’t know they did that. This is exciting stuff; we taught that aloe to fear and distrust us and now I wonder if it’s desperately trying to reproduce in a last ditch attempt to survive. Why yes, I do anthropomorphise things.
  • AO3 Release 0.7.3 deploy is still in testing, OMG so much new stuff to try out!
  • Decided to go to ½ time for MBA rather than ¼ time but online enrolment system is fighting back. Oh Data Analysis and Decision Making I want you, why don’t you want me?
  • Note to self: when you were in the grip of work/hormone inspired depression and self pity you managed to write a 6, 9 and 24 month life-plan, a fair chunk of your Ada Lovelace Day draft post, some stuff best not talked about and an apology your mother totally deserved. Here’s to less self-absorbed misery in the future.
    • P.S. Your father may have had a point when he called you a drama queen.
    • P.P.S. Buy more chocolate.
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dear diary, sent off to be improved, fandom:archive and otw

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