My trail went
boingboing ->
predictably irrational ->
Autocomplete Me and the topic was Google's predictive powers based on frequent searches. The 'how can I get my girlfriend to...' prediction from top to bottom reads a lot like the summary of a bad romance novel - which implies men read them more than I think...
More importantly, the question people ask the most about their cat revealed below!
Also arranged by number of results... cat's don't seem to like us, or each other :(
how can I get my cat to like me 110,000,000 how can I get my dog to eat 43,400,000 how can I get my cats to get along 43,000,000 how can I get my dog to sleep 34,700,000 how can I get my dog drink more water 16,000,000 how can I get my cat to eat 3,020,000 how can I get my dog to lose weight 2,800,000 how can I get my cat to drink more water 2,690,000 how can I get my dog to stop chewing everything 2,010,000 how can I get my dog to lick me out 1,240,000 how can I get my cat lose weight 1,150,000 how can I get my dog to gain more weight 1,120,000 how can I get my cat to gain weight 1,050,000 how can I get my cat to stop meowing 977,000 how can I get my cat to use the litter box 943,000 how can I get my dog to stop barking 645,000 how can I get my cat to stop biting 311,000 how can I get my dog to stop peeing in the house 169,000 how can I get my dog to stop eating poop 145,000 how can I get my cat stop peeing on things 64,000
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