Dear Diary, chocolate, plates and ducklings

Sep 05, 2009 16:52

Craving chocolate bounced me and
maharetr out of the house and into the car and we were half way down the street when a duckling ran across the road hotly pursued by a magpie. We hauled off and collected it, there was some sad, sad flailing around by us when the poor thing waddled away in a complete panic. The driveway we parked in belonged to a man who gave us a cardboard box and suggested the Murdoch animal centre would have good advice.

We went for the chocolate anyway (supplies!) and saw some great custom plates in the carpark - Naked1 being my favourite. Are they nudists? Is this about spiritual/emotional exposure?

It turns out a very nice man at the local pet store was happy to take the duckling home - he says it can grow up safely with his birds then take off and do whatever wild ducks do.
maharetr took a photo on her mobile of its irate little duck head poking out of my hand. They also have a rottweiler puppy, OMG so cute.

This entry was originally posted at

images, dear diary, i win at grown up

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