- In the spirit of research I have now read Chapter 1 of What to Expect when You’re Expecting (J. gave it to me). Where is my uterine replicator? I would totally trade the flying cars for one.
- Did 75% of my readings for Org. Behaviour; felt affectionate recognition for a suspiciously large number of concepts. Googled planned team exercise for first seminar, internet sadly lacking in successful solutions
- Registered for a tour of the Reid Library (whee!)
- Drooled over mastiff/collie puppy with huge paws
- Saw a midwife/naturopath and shared even more personal information than usual, have instructions to steal
maharetr’s magnesium supplement and RELAX, must also submit a chunk of hair for mineral analysis (but I don’t waaaaaaaant to chop my hair off) - Leverage S02E07 - the one we were all waiting for based on the guest character was as funny as I had hoped for
- Slept for 12 hours, should probably have had a nap shortly after just to make sure
- Made food for slashgropers and cleaned up some furballs in the corridor (could be mistaken for kittens at first sight) also managed to slice my fingers not once but twice (that pumpkin soup wasn’t 100% vegetarian, sorry!)
- Lovingly collected and watched a lot of vids - post Vividcon fest - thanks to all who came and made it a great afternoon and evening
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